why did the general strike fail:General Strike 1926

General Strike 1926

General Strike 1926

1.HeavycoalmininginwarhaddepletedthesupplyinBritain.2.Exportshaddecreasedduringthewar.3.Workingconditionswerebadfor ...。其他文章還包含有:「1926GeneralStrike—massactionandbetrayal」、「1926UnitedKingdomgeneralstrike」、「GeneralStrike1926」、「SeattleGeneralStrike」、「The1926GeneralStrike」、「TheGeneralStrike1926」、「TheGovernmentandtheGeneralStrike」、「Thesocialgeneralstrike」、「TheSoci...

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1926 General Strike—mass action and betrayal
1926 General Strike—mass action and betrayal


They were scared of increasing militancy, indeed scared that militancy might actually win. Workers, who the TUC had called out on strike, went ...

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1926 United Kingdom general strike
1926 United Kingdom general strike


The leaders of the Labour Party were not happy about the proposed general strike ... However, they failed, mainly because of an eleventh-hour decision by ...

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General Strike 1926
General Strike 1926


The failure of the General Strike was a disaster for trade unionism and working people. The government used the outcome to introduce savage new anti-union ...

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Seattle General Strike
Seattle General Strike


The Seattle General Strike was a five-day general work stoppage by 65,000 workers in the city of Seattle, Washington from February 6 to 11, 1919.

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The 1926 General Strike
The 1926 General Strike


Yet despite the worker solidarity that was shown, the strike failed. Although the TUC were not enthusiastic about calling the strike, it was not their actions ...

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The General Strike 1926
The General Strike 1926


Miners were suffering: the work was difficult, injury and death was commonplace and the industry was failing to support its workers. Another factor which ...

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The Government and the General Strike
The Government and the General Strike


The British General Strike of 1926 was one of the turning points of the inter-war years. The defeat which the trade unions suffered at the.

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The social general strike
The social general strike


Why did the British General Strike of 1926 fail? Not because the workers ... Nor did the strike fail because of a fall in the morale of the workers. The ...

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The Social General Strike. Why 1926 Failed
The Social General Strike. Why 1926 Failed

