hkdr義工:團體義工報名表Group Volunteer Registration Form

團體義工報名表Group Volunteer Registration Form

團體義工報名表Group Volunteer Registration Form

IndividualVolunteerRegistration個人義工報名·GroupVolunteerRegistration團體義工報名·GoldFlagDonation認捐金旗·FlagDayDonation賣旗日捐款·Sponsor ...。其他文章還包含有:「DogWalking–HongKongDogRescue」、「GroupVolunteering–HongKongDogRescue」、「RegularDog」、「TaiPoHomingCentreNewVolunteerRegistration」、「VolunteerRegistration義工報名」、「救狗之家中心歡迎公眾參觀HKDRisalways...」、「港故事xHKDR...

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Dog Walking – Hong Kong Dog Rescue
Dog Walking – Hong Kong Dog Rescue

HKDR@Elgin : G/F, 22 Elgin Street, Central, Hong Kong Address: HKDR Headquarters : Shop 4, G/F, Cheong Yue Mansion, 13-19 North Street, Kennedy Town, ...

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Group Volunteering – Hong Kong Dog Rescue
Group Volunteering – Hong Kong Dog Rescue

HKDR encourages groups to volunteer at our Homing Centres and we can provide various volunteering activities to suit your needs, from dog-walking, ...

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Regular Dog
Regular Dog

你有興趣成為救狗之家義工,定期到領養中心帶狗狗出去散步嗎? A big part of HKDR's work is to ensure that all 600+ dogs under our care are being well taken care of ...

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Tai Po Homing Centre New Volunteer Registration
Tai Po Homing Centre New Volunteer Registration

請注意: 大埔領養中心的義工註冊程序正進行革新, 所有迎新課程和受督導的首次義工服務將暫時停止申請, 直至另行通知。若造成任何不便, 我們非常抱歉。

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Volunteer Registration 義工報名
Volunteer Registration 義工報名

14 歲以下義工必須由家長或監護人陪同參與。 · 本會將於七月上旬電郵閣下商議有關旗袋事宜。 · 本會將為各義工購買意外保險。 · 歡迎帶同你的狗狗一起去賣旗籌款!

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救狗之家中心歡迎公眾參觀HKDR is always...
救狗之家中心歡迎公眾參觀HKDR is always...

狗場的生活雖然不盡美好,但我們上下職員和義工每天也極之努力照顧好每一頭狗狗。 無家狗狗未必擁有最舒適的生活和最好的物質,但在HK DR生活卻絕對不缺乏愛……

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港故事x HKDR救狗之家無需養狗!做義工就能近 ...
港故事x HKDR救狗之家無需養狗!做義工就能近 ...

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義工報名表 Volunteers Recruitment Form – Hong Kong Dog ...
義工報名表 Volunteers Recruitment Form – Hong Kong Dog ...

To all volunteers who have registered, we have sent a volunteer notes email in early March. If you did not receive our email, please contact us at flagday@ ...

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贊助Sponsor – Hong Kong Dog Rescue
贊助Sponsor – Hong Kong Dog Rescue

Individual Volunteer Registration 個人義工報名 · Group Volunteer Registration 團體義工報名 · Gold Flag Donation 認捐金旗 · Flag Day Donation 賣旗日捐款 · Sponsor ...