yellow river environmental issues:Journal from the Yellow River

Journal from the Yellow River

Journal from the Yellow River

2018年3月28日—ScientistsblamedthisnewphenomenaonlandreclamationintheYellowRiverestuary.Wetlandsweredriedoutandcoveredwithfishfarms, ...。其他文章還包含有:「ActionplanlookstosafeguardYellowRiver'senvironment」、「EcologicalenvironmentaleffectsofYellowRiverirrigation...」、「EcologicalProtectioninChina'sYellowRiverBasintobe...」、「MicroplasticpollutioninYellowRiver」、「Microplasticspo...

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Action plan looks to safeguard Yellow River's environment
Action plan looks to safeguard Yellow River's environment

... issues facing the Yellow River Basin area, including pollution from industries, urban areas, the agricultural sector, and water shortages.

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Ecological environmental effects of Yellow River irrigation ...
Ecological environmental effects of Yellow River irrigation ...

Hydrochemical characteristics indicate that Yellow River irrigation has little impact on the Yellow River, but it has caused a rise in the groundwater level, ...

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Ecological Protection in China's Yellow River Basin to be ...
Ecological Protection in China's Yellow River Basin to be ...

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Microplastic pollution in Yellow River
Microplastic pollution in Yellow River

According to Zhao S (2020), microplastics in the Yellow River Delta wetland have potential carcinogenic risks to human health under the exposure route of skin ...

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Microplastics pollution in the Yellow River basin
Microplastics pollution in the Yellow River basin


Plastics exposure through various ways will cause serious impact on aquaculture and human health in the Yellow River beach area. To control ...

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Protecting The Yellow River Basin in the People's Republic of ...
Protecting The Yellow River Basin in the People's Republic of ...

One of the most pressing environmental and socio-economic challenges surrounding the river is water scarcity. Today, the basin accounts for ...

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The Yellow River Ecological Corridor Program
The Yellow River Ecological Corridor Program

Overexploitation of natural resources, inadequate water supply and sanitation services, soil contamination, water pollution, and climate change impacts are only ...

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What's Killing the Yellow River?
What's Killing the Yellow River?


... Yellow River Basin, prove that environmental efforts are working. But scientists say the effects of clima... Read More --- Read More. This story appears in ...

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Yellow River Basin Faces Environmental
Yellow River Basin Faces Environmental

New research sheds light on water, irrigation, poverty alleviation Beijing—Leading experts on water and irrigation are meeting today to identify solutions ...
