「curitiba gdp per capita」熱門搜尋資訊

curitiba gdp per capita

「curitiba gdp per capita」文章包含有:「WhatisCuritiba'seconomiccomposition?」、「Curitiba」、「Curitiba(PR)」、「November2023」、「Curitiba–UIIF」、「Socioeconomicinformationaboutthecity」、「BrazilGrossDomesticProduct(GDP)」、「CuritibainBrazil」、「Curitiba」、「RCECuritiba」

Brazil National Football team
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What is Curitiba's economic composition?
What is Curitiba's economic composition?


⁨Curitiba⁩ has a population of ⁨2.4 million⁩ people (⁨2020⁩) and an estimated GDP per capita of $⁨9.7 thousand⁩.

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Curitiba is the capital and largest city in the state of Paraná in Southern Brazil. The city's population was 1,773,718 as of 2022, making it the eighth ...

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Curitiba (PR)
Curitiba (PR)


Total committed gross expenditure. 12.878.850.988,00 R$ [2023]. GDP per capita. 49.907,02 R$ [2021]. Notes and ...

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November 2023
November 2023


The city's per capita GDP exceeds R$ 45,300 (IBGE, 2020). The service sector accounts for 67.7% of this participation.

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Curitiba – UIIF
Curitiba – UIIF


Curitiba is the capital and the largest city of the southern Brazilian ... GDP per capita, 9,120 EUR. Gini coefficient, 0.565. Vulnerable population (World ...

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Socioeconomic information about the city
Socioeconomic information about the city


The GDP per inhabitants of the city is more than US$ 8,39 thousand (IBGE 2018). The service sector is responsible for 84% of this participation.

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Brazil Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Brazil Gross Domestic Product (GDP)


GDP Deflator Growth (%), 6.2 Mar 2023 ; GDP per Capita (USD), 7,732.460 2021 ; Gross Fixed Capital Formation (USD mn), 92,847.102 Jun 2024 ; Gross National Product ...

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Curitiba in Brazil
Curitiba in Brazil


The Curitiba in Brazil report provides comprehensive city level information benchmarked against other cities in the country and region.

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Analyzing the GDP of Curitiba, it appears that from 1995 to 2000, the economy grew about 3% a year. The GDP per capita, in 2000 was 37% higher than the average ...

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RCE Curitiba
RCE Curitiba


The GDP is nearly. R$ 135 billions and a GDP per capita R$ 38,995.77. The urban bus system a reference worldwide (BRT) but with the equivocated policy for ...