SunTech Vet20:Suntech VET20 Spot Check Blood Pressure Monitor

Suntech VET20 Spot Check Blood Pressure Monitor

Suntech VET20 Spot Check Blood Pressure Monitor

TheportableSunTech®Vet20quicklyandeasilyprovidesreliablebloodpressure(BP)measurementsonawakecompanionanimals,ensuringasimplerassessment ...。其他文章還包含有:「SunTechVet20AutomatedBloodPressureMonitor」、「SunTechVet20BPMonitor」、「SunTechVet20VeterinaryBloodPressureMonitor」、「SunTechVet20獸醫血壓計(孔雀藍)」、「SunTechVet20獸醫血壓計(火烈鳥粉紅色)」、「SunTechVet20」、「SunTechVet20動物...

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SunTech Vet20 Automated Blood Pressure Monitor
SunTech Vet20 Automated Blood Pressure Monitor

The SunTech Vet20 is a portable, convenient blood pressure monitor designed specifically for use with companion animals. With unique motion-tolerant technology ...

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SunTech Vet20 BP Monitor
SunTech Vet20 BP Monitor

The SunTech Vet20 is intended to be used on companion animals, specifically dogs and cats, to obtain oscillometric blood pressure measurements, including ...

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SunTech Vet20 Veterinary Blood Pressure Monitor
SunTech Vet20 Veterinary Blood Pressure Monitor

The SunTech Vet20 Veterinary Blood Pressure Monitor takes accurate BP measurements on awake or sedated companion animals with no shaving or gel.

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SunTech Vet20 獸醫血壓計(孔雀藍)
SunTech Vet20 獸醫血壓計(孔雀藍)

特色 · 準確:由領先的獸醫學校專家專門為同伴動物開發的BP 演算法 · 包括6 個獸醫袖口(尺寸1-6),適用於大多數同伴動物、bp 軟管和防護盔甲。 · 採用簡單易用的觸控螢幕和 ...

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SunTech Vet20 獸醫血壓計(火烈鳥粉紅色)
SunTech Vet20 獸醫血壓計(火烈鳥粉紅色)

SunTech Vet20 獸醫血壓計(火烈鳥粉紅色).

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SunTech Vet20
SunTech Vet20


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SunTech Vet20動物專用血壓計
SunTech Vet20動物專用血壓計

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SunTech 小動物血壓計
SunTech 小動物血壓計

SunTech Vet20採用的是SunTech核心的運動容差技術,根據動物運動特異性經過長期臨床驗證的演算法,配置了能夠適用於絕大部分動物的血壓袖帶。是獸用血壓檢測的理想方案 ...