Parallel structure exercise 1:Parallel Structure

Parallel Structure

Parallel Structure

Directions:Intheexercisethatfollows,youwillneedtodeterminewhetherornotitemshaveparallelstructure.Tomaintainparallelism,youmustlistitems ...。其他文章還包含有:「GrammarBytes!Exercise1」、「GrammarBytes!ParallelStructureExercise1」、「ParallelSentenceStructure」、「ParallelStructure」、「ParallelStructure–Exercise1」、「ParallelStructure—Exercise1」、「SentenceParallelStructure」

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Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1
Grammar Bytes! Exercise 1


This fun and interactive exercise will give you practice in recognizing parallel structure. After every response, you will get immediate feedback.

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Grammar Bytes! Parallel Structure Exercise 1
Grammar Bytes! Parallel Structure Exercise 1

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