2020年12月21日—Khitay的语源是Khitan,即建立辽朝的契丹。契丹在北朝中期已活跃于蒙古高原东南缘、华北平原东北缘的长城外地带,历经隋唐,终于在10世纪初建立 ...。其他文章還包含有:「Cathay」、「Karakitaidynasty」、「Khitanpeople」、「Khitay(ChineseEdition)」、「QaraKhitai」、「Thecoinageofqarakhitay」、「TheKitanandtheKaraKhitay」、「TheKitanandtheKaraKhitay」
查看更多 離開網站2020年12月21日第49期16世纪初,葡萄牙探险家借用了波斯语对中国的称呼,把波斯语的Chin写作葡萄牙语的China,这是China一词最早出现在出版物中 文|罗新 北京大学历史学系教授 今日中亚五个“斯坦”国对中国的称呼都是Khitay,尽管他们的主要语言各不相同,其中只有塔吉克斯坦的主要语言属伊朗语族(Iranic),另外四国的主要语言都属突厥语族(Turkic)。Khitay的语源是Khitan,即建立辽朝的契丹。契丹在北朝中期已活跃于蒙古高原东南缘、华北平原东北缘的长城外地带,历经隋唐,终于在10世纪初建立地跨农业、游牧和森林渔猎...
The word is derived from Khitay (or Khitan), the name of a seminomadic people who left southeastern Mongolia in the 10th century ce to conquer ...
Karakitai dynasty
Sanjar by the Karakitai (Qara Khitay) confederation of northern China, the rulers of Khwārezm were forced to acknowledge the overall sovereignty of the ...
Khitan people
The Khitan people were a historical nomadic people from Northeast Asia who, from the 4th century, inhabited an area corresponding to parts of modern ...
Khitay (Chinese Edition)
The book tells that Yelv Abaoji, the great politician and militarist, unites the north China and founds Liao Dynasty. When the battles starts, boundless ...
Qara Khitai
The territories of the Qara Khitai corresponded to parts of modern-day China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. The Anushtegin ...
The coinage of qara khitay
The dual (Chinese and Inner Asian) nature of the Qara Khitay Empire (Western Liao dynasty) is a well-known and thoroughly investigated fact.
The Kitan and the Kara Khitay
The Kitan and the Kara Khitay. The Kitan were a tribe based in northern China who conserved their distinctive identity throughout the Middle Ages, despite ...
The Kitan and the Kara Khitay
The Kitan and the Kara Khitay. The Kitan were a tribe based in northern China who conserved their distinctive identity throughout the Middle Ages, despite ...