citarum river pollution:Rotten river
Rotten river
查看更多 離開網站ThesmellisthefirstthingthathitsyouonthebanksoftheCitarumRiverinWestJava,Indonesia[1].Theodourisdense:rubbishrottinginhotsunmixedinwithanacridtoneofchemicalwaste.Some9millionpeopleliveinclosecontactwiththeriver,wherelevelsoffaecalcoliformbacteriaaremorethan5,000timesmandatorylimits,accordingtothefindingsoftheAsianDevelopmentBank[2]in2013.Leadlevelsaremorethan1,000timestheUSEnvironmentalProtectionAgencydrinkingwaterstandard[3]andlevelsofotherheavymetalssuchasaluminium,ironandmanganeseareabovet...
A river runs through it
which provides drinking water to major cities including Bandung, Jakarta and Tangerang—was considered one of the 10 most ...
Citarum River
Citarum River
In the Citarum River, damage to water quality makes it difficult for the local community to access clean water from the river and plastic pollution causes major ...
Cleaning up the Citarum
Water quality across most of the river has been deemed unsafe for human use, with the Asian Development Bank finding levels of faecal bacteria ...
Deadly Waters. Citarum
The river pollution spreads 100 meters wide in-land and 60 meters deep, containing E. coli bacteria, heavy metals and organic waste. Lead concentrations are ...
Indonesia's Citarum
With severe pollution from lead, aluminum, manganese, and iron since 2002, the Citarum has never met the water quality standards of Government ...
Java communities rally as clock ticks on cleanup of 'world's ...
The city of 2.7 million people is the biggest culprit in the river's pollution, according to the Citarum task force, but pollution sources are ...
Once Upon a River
In spite of how dirty the river is, at least 30 million people across West Java rely on the Citarum to irrigate the farmland that feeds them.