Macaulay duration:Macaulay Duration Explained

Macaulay Duration Explained

Macaulay Duration Explained

Itistheweightedaveragetimeuntilabond'scashflowsarereceived,measuredinyears.Thecalculationinvolvesdividingthepresentvalueofeachcashflow ...。其他文章還包含有:「Duration(finance)」、「MacaulayDuration」、「MacaulayDuration-Overview」、「MacaulayDurationvs.ModifiedDuration」、「MacaulayDuration:Definition,Formula」、「TheBasicMacaulayDurationTheoriesandLimitationsthat...」、「久期」、「債券的存...

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Duration (finance)
Duration (finance)

Macaulay duration is a time measure with units in years and really makes sense only for an instrument with fixed cash flows. For a standard bond, the Macaulay ...

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Macaulay Duration
Macaulay Duration

It is 120 days into the first coupon period, so the first cash flow will be received in 1–120360 1 – 120 360 years or 0.6667 years.

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Macaulay Duration - Overview
Macaulay Duration - Overview


Macaulay duration is the weighted average of the time to receive the cash flows from a bond. It is measured in units of years.

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Macaulay Duration vs. Modified Duration
Macaulay Duration vs. Modified Duration

The Macaulay duration calculates the weighted average time before a bondholder would receive the bond's cash flows. Conversely, the modified duration measures ...

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Macaulay Duration: Definition, Formula
Macaulay Duration: Definition, Formula

The Macaulay duration is the weighted average term to maturity of the cash flows from a bond.

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The Basic Macaulay Duration Theories and Limitations that ...
The Basic Macaulay Duration Theories and Limitations that ...

ABSTRACT. The concept of duration was proposed by Frederick Macaulay in 1938 and has become a popular tool for measuring financial instruments nowadays.

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久期(Duration)久期有許多不同的形式和解釋。幾種尤為重要的種類是麥考萊久期(Macaulay duration)、修正久期(Modified duration)、封閉式久期(Closed-form duration) ...

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債券的存續期間—Macaulay Duration
債券的存續期間—Macaulay Duration


你好,我再看這篇文章,發現這一句我看不懂。 「比方說某債券讓你在一年後拿回50元,兩年後拿回50元,所以你拿回這些錢的平均時間是(1*50 + 2*50)/100=1.5 ...

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海外債券:進階篇(六)馬考雷存續期間及修正後 ...
海外債券:進階篇(六)馬考雷存續期間及修正後 ...

在實務上存續期間有兩種常用的計算方式,一種是馬考雷存續期間(Macaulay Duration),另一種是修正存續期間(Modified Duration)。馬考雷存續期間是由Frederick Macaulay ...