i can totally relate to you:Why do people say

Why do people say

Why do people say


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"I totally relate"是什麼意思?
"I totally relate"是什麼意思?


I totally relate的意思You can understand where the other person is coming from. The same thing has happened and you understand how they feel ...

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I can totally relate
I can totally relate


You're right, it does mean I've had exactly the same experience and so I understand what you're talking about. heypresto. Senior ...

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I can totally relate
I can totally relate


I don't know about you, but I can totally relate. No sé qué opinen ustedes, pero yo me identifico completamente.

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I can totally relate
I can totally relate


Traduzione di I can totally relate in italiano. posso capire perfettamente. Capisco perfettamente.

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I can totally relate
I can totally relate


I can totally relate is correct and usable in written English. You can use this phrase whenever you want to express that you understand another person's ...

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i totally can relate to what you say
i totally can relate to what you say


I can totally relate to what they talk about, having followed Morrissey all over the world taking pictures of him. 4.

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relate (【動詞】與...有關聯
relate (【動詞】與...有關聯


I can totally relate to that! 我完全能夠理解! 瀏覽教材. I can relate to that ... Any English word you hear containing “struct-” will relate to building ...

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What could “I relate to what you are going through” mean?
What could “I relate to what you are going through” mean?


When somebody say's “I can relate to what you are going through,they are telling you that they had a similar experience to yours or they ...

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