Xin dynasty:Standard Measure (Dou)

Standard Measure (Dou)

Standard Measure (Dou)

WangMang(ca.45B.C.–A.D.23),ausurperoftheHanthrone,establishedtheshort-livedXindynastyinA.D.9.Thepresentvesselisoneofthefew ...。其他文章還包含有:「BronzesealcastwithJiuwunanjiacheng」、「Qindynasty」、「Qindynasty(221–206BCE)」、「TheNationalPalaceMuseumOpenDataPlatform」、「WangMang」、「Xindynasty」、「XinDynasty」、「Xindynasty」、「XinDynasty」

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Bronze seal cast with Jiu wu nan jia cheng
Bronze seal cast with Jiu wu nan jia cheng

Bronze seal cast with Jiu wu nan jia cheng, Xin dynasty (9-23) · Image Number: K1A000736N000000000PAB · Dynasty: Xin dynasty · Category: Bronzes · Function: 印璽 ...

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Qin dynasty
Qin dynasty

The Qin dynasty was the first dynasty of Imperial China. It is named for its progenitor state of Qin, which was a fief of the confederal Zhou dynasty which ...

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Qin dynasty (221–206 BCE)
Qin dynasty (221–206 BCE)

The Qin dynasty is one of the best-known periods in Chinese history in the West because of the 1974 discovery of thousands of life-size terracotta warriors.

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The National Palace Museum Open Data Platform
The National Palace Museum Open Data Platform

Bronze seal cast with Zhongda jiangjun jiaowei zhang, Xin dynasty (9-23). Image Number: K1A000749N000000000PAC; Dynasty: Xin dynasty; Category: Bronzes ...

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Wang Mang
Wang Mang

Wang Mang was the founder of the short-lived Xin dynasty (ad 9–25). He is known in Chinese history as Shehuangdi (the “Usurper Emperor”), because his reign ...

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Xin dynasty
Xin dynasty

The Xin dynasty also known as Xin Mang (Chinese: 新莽) in Chinese historiography, was a short-lived Chinese imperial dynasty which lasted from 9 to 23 AD, ...

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Xin Dynasty
Xin Dynasty

The Xin Dynasty was a formable of the Chinese releasable Shanxi, which encompassed much of the populated regions of China, aswell as North Korea.

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Xin dynasty
Xin dynasty

After the Western Han Dynasty, built by Wang Mang (9-23 AD)

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Xin Dynasty
Xin Dynasty

Xin dynasty, (ad 9–25), short-lived dynasty in China formed by Wang Mang, whose usurpation of power from the ruling Liu family constituted an interim in the ...