Switch case default:Switch Statement in C

Switch Statement in C

Switch Statement in C

Aswitchstatementcanhaveanoptionaldefaultcase,whichmustappearattheendoftheswitch.Thedefaultcasecanbeusedforperformingataskwhennone ...。其他文章還包含有:「Day12-C#的條件判斷」、「JavaSwitch」、「JavaScriptSwitchStatement」、「Statements」、「switch-JavaScript」、「switchstatement」、「switchStatement(C)」、「switch條件判斷」、「switch陳述式(C)」

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switch的撰寫規則. default case可以依照任何順序放在switch裡,會先比對完所有case才會跳到default.

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Java Switch
Java Switch


... switch block. The default Keyword. The default keyword specifies some code to run if there is no case match: Example. int day = 4; switch (day) case 6: System ...

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JavaScript Switch Statement
JavaScript Switch Statement


If multiple cases matches a case value, the first case is selected. If no matching cases are found, the program continues to the default label. If no default ...

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The switch statement evaluates the given expression, looks for the first case clause with the case-expression matching the value of the evaluated expression ...

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switch - JavaScript
switch - JavaScript


The default clause of a switch statement will be jumped to if no case matches the expression's value. Try it.

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switch statement
switch statement


A switch statement is associated with multiple case labels whose constant-expression s have the same value after conversions. A switch ...

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switch Statement (C)
switch Statement (C)


The default statement is executed if no case constant-expression value is equal to the value of expression . If there's no default statement, ...

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switch 條件判斷
switch 條件判斷


switch 可用來比較數值或字元,語法架構如下: switch(變數名稱或運算式) case 符合數字或字元: 陳述句一; break; case 符合數字或字元: 陳述句二; break; default: ...

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switch 陳述式(C)
switch 陳述式(C)


如果沒有 default 陳述式,而且找不到 case 相符專案,則不會執行 switch 主體中的陳述式。 最多可以有一個 default 陳述式。 default 陳述式不必在結尾。