Chemours PFAS:PFAS Stewardship

PFAS Stewardship

PFAS Stewardship

Per-andpolyfluoroalkylsubstances(PFAS)areadiversegroupofchemistriesthatcontaincarbon-fluorinebonds,thestrongestchemicalbondsinorganic ...。其他文章還包含有:「C3DimerAcidandPFAS」、「ChemoursandDuPontKnewAboutRisksButKeptMaking...」、「ChemoursConsentOrder」、「Dutchcourtholdschemicalfactoryaccountablefor...」、「DutchcourtrulesChemoursliableforenvironmental...」、「OurPositiononPFAS」、「PFAS...

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C3 Dimer Acid and PFAS
C3 Dimer Acid and PFAS

Since the summer of 2017, Chemours has taken numerous steps to dramatically reduce water discharges and air emissions of C3 Dimer Acid and other PFAS compounds ...

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Chemours and DuPont Knew About Risks But Kept Making ...
Chemours and DuPont Knew About Risks But Kept Making ...

“DuPont and Chemours have produced, marketed and profited from PFAS for decades, contributing to a global toxic contamination problem,” the U.N. ...

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Chemours Consent Order
Chemours Consent Order

In August 2020, NCDEQ ordered significant additional actions by Chemours to prevent PFAS pollution from entering the Cape Fear River in the Addendum to the ...

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Dutch court holds chemical factory accountable for ...
Dutch court holds chemical factory accountable for ...

Needless to say, Chemours is one of those hotspots, with a PFAS level of 3,030 ng/l. The case against the Chemours/DuPont factory in Dordrecht is historical, ...

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Dutch court rules Chemours liable for environmental ...
Dutch court rules Chemours liable for environmental ...

U.S. chemical company Chemours is liable for environmental damage in the Netherlands caused by PFAS chemicals between 1984 and at least 1998 ...

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Our Position on PFAS
Our Position on PFAS

Chemours practices responsible manufacturing and is implementing abatement technologies at our plants with an aim to reduce emission of fluorinated organic ...

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PFAS 是一个庞大而多样的化学族系。 全氟和多氟烷基物质(PFAS) 是一类不同的化学物质,含有有机化学中最强的化学键——碳氟键。由于其独特而有用的特性,PFAS 可广泛用于各种 ...

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UN Probes DuPont
UN Probes DuPont

“Even as DuPont and Chemours knew their discharges of PFAS to the environment were poisoning local drinking water sources and making people ill, ...

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US companies DuPont and Chemours generated ...
US companies DuPont and Chemours generated ...

“DuPont and Chemours have produced, marketed and profited from PFAS for decades, contributing to a global toxic contamination problem”, the ...