IMF developed countries:Table A. Economy Groupings

Table A. Economy Groupings

Table A. Economy Groupings

FiscalMonitortablesdisplay37advancedeconomies,39emergingmarketandmiddle-incomeeconomies,and40low-incomedevelopingcountries.Thesevenlargest ...。其他文章還包含有:「Developedcountry」、「Developingcountry」、「GroupsandAggregatesInformation」、「IMFCountryInformation」、「IMFDataMapper」、「StatisticalAppendix;April2023」、「TheroleoftheIMFindevelopingcountries(Chapter11)」、「TheWorldBankandIM...

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Developed countriesIMF developed countriesDeveloped countries listDeveloped countries DefinitionLess developed countriesDeveloping country list
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Developed country
Developed country

IMF advanced economies · Hong Kong · Israel · Japan · Macau · Singapore · South Korea · Taiwan.

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Developing country
Developing country

A developing country is a sovereign state with a less developed industrial base and a lower Human Development Index (HDI) relative to other countries.

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Groups and Aggregates Information
Groups and Aggregates Information

Country Composition of WEO Groups ; Emerging and Developing Economies ; Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Azerbaijan

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IMF Country Information
IMF Country Information

Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of · Albania · Algeria · Andorra, Principality of · Angola · Anguilla, United Kingdom-British Overseas Territory · Antigua and Barbuda.

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IMF DataMapper
IMF DataMapper

Select a country, region or group. Advanced economies. Advanced economies. Datasets. World Economic Outlook (April 2024) 15 indicator s , 1980 - 2029. Collapse ...

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Statistical Appendix; April 2023
Statistical Appendix; April 2023

The country classification in the WEO divides the world into two major groups: advanced economies and emerging market and developing economies.5 This.

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The role of the IMF in developing countries (Chapter 11)
The role of the IMF in developing countries (Chapter 11)

11 - The role of the IMF in developing countries · 1 The IMF and international financial architecture: solvency and liquidity · 2 Progress towards greater ...

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The World Bank and IMF in Developing Countries
The World Bank and IMF in Developing Countries

The programs, loans and operations of both the World Bank and IMF then ended up in the developing countries, mostly in Asia, Africa and Latin. America.

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World Economic Outlook Database
World Economic Outlook Database

Country Composition of WEO Groups ; Emerging and Developing Economies ; Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and. Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba Azerbaijan