PacBio isoseq:看第三代定序技術「Iso



2021年2月3日—由PacBio公司所開發的RNA全長定序技術「Iso-Seq(isoformsequencing)」兼具有高準確度與長讀取特性,幾乎不需要組裝就能在單一定序數據中完整涵蓋 ...。其他文章還包含有:「RNAsequencing」、「TheWhy,What」、「PacificBiosciencesIsoSeq:Iso」、「Iso-SeqHome」、「Bioinformaticstoolsforfull」、「PacBioIso-SeqAnalysis」、「IntrototheIso」、「nf-coreisoseq」、「simplegeneandisoformannotationwithPacB...

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pacbio原理PacBio HiFipacbio long-read sequencingPacBio short-readPacBio sequencingPacBio targeted sequencing
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RNA sequencing
RNA sequencing

The Iso-Seq method refers to sequencing full-length cDNA using PacBio SMRT sequencing technology. Full-length cDNAs can be generated from eukaryotic RNA, ...

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The Why, What
The Why, What

The PacBio Iso-Seq method is an end-to-end workflow for sequencing and analyzing full-length transcript isoforms. 1. Convert RNA → cDNA. 2. cDNA → SMRTbell ...

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PacificBiosciencesIsoSeq: Iso
PacificBiosciencesIsoSeq: Iso

IsoSeq contains the newest tools to identify transcripts in PacBio single-molecule sequencing data. Starting in SMRT Link v6.0.0, those tools power the IsoSeq ...

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Iso-Seq Home
Iso-Seq Home

IsoSeq contains the newest tools to identify transcripts in PacBio single-molecule sequencing data. Starting in SMRT Link v6.0.0, those tools power the Iso ...

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Bioinformatics tools for full
Bioinformatics tools for full

Full-length isoform sequencing enables accurate characterization of alternative splicing events in eukaryotic species. Long-read RNA-Seq using PacBio®.

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PacBio Iso-Seq Analysis
PacBio Iso-Seq Analysis


PacBio Iso-Seq Analysis · Profile whole transcriptomes exhaustively at the isoform level · Characterize alternative start and polyadenylation ...

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Intro to the Iso
Intro to the Iso

The PacBio Iso-Seq method is an end-to-end workflow for sequencing and analyzing full-length transcript isoforms. 1. Convert RNA → cDNA. 2. cDNA → SMRTbell ...

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Genome annotation with PacBio Iso-Seq. Takes raw subreads as input, generate Full Length Non Chemiric (FLNC) sequences and produce a bed annotation.

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simple gene and isoform annotation with PacBio Iso
simple gene and isoform annotation with PacBio Iso

Pacific Bioscience's (PacBio) Iso-Seq is a long-read technology dedicated to RNA sequencing which can produce accurate full-length sequences of ...