Dead language:DEAD LANGUAGE in Traditional Chinese
DEAD LANGUAGE in Traditional Chinese
Extinctlanguagesaresometimescontrastedwithdeadlanguages,whicharestillknownandusedinspecialcontextsinwrittenform,butnotasordinaryspoken ...。其他文章還包含有:「Deadlanguage」、「DEADLANGUAGE」、「DeadLanguages」、「Extinctlanguage」、「Extinctlanguage」、「Listsofextinctlanguages」、「WhatAreDeadLanguages?」、「WhatistheDifferenceBetweenanExtinctLanguageanda...」
查看更多 離開網站死語[1](不再有人以之作為母語的語言)ExamplesofdeadlanguagedeadlanguageItistimewerecognisedthatthedeadlanguagesshouldbedeadinrealityaswellasinname.Theywritetheirprescriptionsinadeadlanguageandanundeciph...
Dead language
One that is no longer the native language of any community. Such languages may remain in use, like Latin or ... Access ...
a language that is no longer spoken by anyone as their main language: Latin is a dead language.
Dead Languages
One dead language is Hittite, which was spoken in Anatolia (modern Turkey). There are records of Hittite from the latter part of the second millennium b.c. The ...
Extinct language
In studying ancient (dead) languages one is, of course, limited to studying the grammar of their written forms and styles, as their written records alone ...
Extinct language
In contrast, a dead language is a language that no longer has any first-language speakers, but does have second-language speakers or is used fluently in written form, such as Latin.
Lists of extinct languages
This is a list of lists of extinct languages. Language Endangerment Status. by UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger category · Extinct (EX).
What Are Dead Languages?
Among the most famous dead languages, for example, we have Latin. This tongue is still used as the official language of the Vatican City and is ...
What is the Difference Between an Extinct Language and a ...
In linguistics, a dead language is (usually) defined as a language that some people still use, even if there are no native speakers left.