School shooting:School shootings in the US

School shootings in the US

School shootings in the US

Theincidentsleft17peopledeadandatleast39othervictimsinjured,accordingtoCNN'sanalysisofeventsreportedbytheGunViolenceArchive,Education ...。其他文章還包含有:「Schoolshooting」、「ListofschoolshootingsintheUnitedStates(2000–present)」、「17FactsAboutGunViolenceAndSchoolShootings」、「K」、「ShootingIncidentsatK」、「Schoolshooting|Definition,Examples」、「Therehavebeen413schoolshootingssinceCol...

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School shooting
School shooting

A school shooting is an armed attack at an educational institution, such as a primary school, secondary school, high school or university, involving the use ...

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List of school shootings in the United States (2000–present)
List of school shootings in the United States (2000–present)

This chronological list of school shootings in the United States from the year 2000 includes school shootings in the United States that occurred at K–12 ...

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17 Facts About Gun Violence And School Shootings
17 Facts About Gun Violence And School Shootings


6. In 2022, 34 students and adults died while more than 43,000 children were exposed to gunfire at school. There is help for victims and survivors of gun ...

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This information is recorded to document the number of school shootings and full scope of gun violence on school campuses. Use of this data must be cited with: ...

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Shooting Incidents at K
Shooting Incidents at K

Shooting Incidents are based on publicly available data on incidents from the beginning of 1970 through June of 2022 following the definition of each and every ...

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School shooting | Definition, Examples
School shooting | Definition, Examples

School shooting, in the typical case, an event in which a student at a school shoots and injures or kills at least one other student or faculty member on ...

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There have been 413 school shootings since Columbine
There have been 413 school shootings since Columbine

While it remains highly unlikely that any student will experience a school shooting, the number of incidents has risen rapidly in recent years.

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Surviving a school shooting
Surviving a school shooting

Several studies demonstrate that school shootings have detrimental effects on the mental health and educational outcomes of surviving youth. In my work with ...