Predecessor Successor BST:資料結構— Binary Search Tree (二元搜尋樹) — PHP 實作

資料結構— Binary Search Tree (二元搜尋樹) — PHP 實作

資料結構— Binary Search Tree (二元搜尋樹) — PHP 實作


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Inorder successor in BSTSuccessor predecessor
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Inorder predecessor and successor in BST
Inorder predecessor and successor in BST

We have discussed Successor in BST . We use BST properties to efficiently find inorder successor and predecessor. We follow normal BST search ...

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普通Binary Search Tree
普通Binary Search Tree

其中successor和predecessor這兩個英文字指的就是順序中下一個、前一個的意思,inorder就是左中右,假設要刪除的節點是N則:. Inorder Successor: N在 ...

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Inorder Predecessor and Successor in a Binary Search Tree
Inorder Predecessor and Successor in a Binary Search Tree

The inorder predecessor of a node is the node that would come immediately before it in an inorder traversal of the BST. Similarly, the inorder successor is the ...

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Binary Search Trees
Binary Search Trees

If X has two children, its predecessor is the maximum value in its left subtree and its successor the minimum value in its right subtree. Page 6. X predecessor( ...

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Inorder SuccessorPredecessor in BST
Inorder SuccessorPredecessor in BST

The successor of a node in BST is that node that will be visited immediately after the given node in the inorder traversal of the tree. Return nullptr if the ...

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Predecessor And Successor In BST
Predecessor And Successor In BST

1. The predecessor of a node in BST is that node that will be visited just before the given node in the inorder traversal of the tree. If the given node is ...

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Binary Search Tree
Binary Search Tree

以上便是BST中 BST::DeleteBST() 之介紹,關鍵即在Successor與Predecessor。 在接下來將介紹的Red Black Tree(RBT,紅黑樹)中,BST的 Insert() 與 Delete() 會再次出現 ...

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Predecessor and Successor
Predecessor and Successor

There is BST given with the root node with the key part as an integer only. You need to find the in-order successor and predecessor of a given key.