Regular ring:Regular ring (in commutative algebra)

Regular ring (in commutative algebra)

Regular ring (in commutative algebra)

2020年6月6日—FieldsandDedekindringsareregularrings.IfAisregular,thentheringofpolynomialsA[X1…Xn]andtheringofformalpowerseriesA[[X1…Xn] ...。其他文章還包含有:「Regularlocalring」、「Section10.106(00NN)」、「VonNeumannregularring」、「RegularRing」、「10.110Regularringsandglobaldimension」、「regularlocalringinnLab」、「(PDF)Regularringsandtheirproperties」、「commutativealgebra」、「Regularrin...

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Noetherian ringLocal ringQuotient ringDivision ring
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Regular local ring
Regular local ring

A regular local ring is a Noetherian local ring having the property that the minimal number of generators of its maximal ideal is equal to its Krull dimension.

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Section 10.106 (00NN)
Section 10.106 (00NN)


Regular local rings are defined in Definition 10.60.10. It is not that easy to show that all prime localizations of a regular local ring are regular. In fact, ...

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Von Neumann regular ring
Von Neumann regular ring

In mathematics, a von Neumann regular ring is a ring R such that for every element a in R there exists an x in R with a = axa. One may think of x as a weak ...

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Regular Ring
Regular Ring

A regular ring in the sense of commutative algebra is a commutative unit ring such that all its localizations at prime ideals are regular local rings.

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10.110 Regular rings and global dimension
10.110 Regular rings and global dimension


10.110 Regular rings and global dimension. We can use the material on rings of finite global dimension to give another characterization of regular local rings.

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regular local ring in nLab
regular local ring in nLab

Every regular local ring is a complete intersection ring and a fortiori a Cohen-Macaulay ring. A useful noncommutative analogue of a regular ...

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(PDF) Regular rings and their properties
(PDF) Regular rings and their properties

A ring R is called a regular ring if each element in R is regular. Wardayani et al. [17] also studied regular rings and their properties.

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commutative algebra
commutative algebra

On page 10, a regular ring is defined as Noetherian ring whose every localization at a maximal ideal is a regular local ring. Up until now, ...

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Regular rings and modules
Regular rings and modules

A left y4-module R will be called (von Neumann) regular iff every submodule is pure. This generalizes the idea of regular ring, as the following theorem shows:.