inpx stock reddit:Inpx… possible moveeee. What yall think?
Inpx… possible moveeee. What yall think?
2024年3月5日—thisisokaybutwillneedmoretime,STBisat1MandtheCTBis5%,theshortinterestisdecentat10%.keepaneyeonitbutdon'tput ...。其他文章還包含有:「AnyguessesonINPXpostmergerstockprice?XTIAgoes...」、「beenalurker」、「I'vebeentalkingabout$INPXforawhilenow」、「Inpixon(INPX)Stock」、「INPXwilldo100to1reversesplitinconjunctionwithXTI...」、「INPX」、「IsINPXalostcause?」、「rINPX」、「What...
查看更多 離開網站Any guesses on INPX post merger stock price? XTIA goes ...
Probably around 5.27 for starters because of the split? Should be some good price action. Volume has been big the last couple days.
been a lurker
INPX had a market cap of like $10 million, but the company they are merging with (XTI Aerospace) has a worth of $90 million.
I've been talking about $INPX for a while now
I think when they announce the official merger date it will get a lot more traction. This run-up is arbitrary it seems, no news, but I'm still happy with it.
Inpixon (INPX) Stock
The market capitalization of Inpixon stands at approximately $10.95 million, categorizing it as a micro-cap stock. Technical Analysis. Looking ...
INPX will do 100 to 1 reverse split in conjunction with XTI ...
Every one hundred (100) shares of its outstanding common stock (INPX) will automatically be combined into one (1) share of common stock of the combined company ...
anyone with shares here? They have risen considerably in the last 2 days, I hope the trend continues upwards. Upvote 1. Downvote Reply reply
Is INPX a lost cause?
It's an issue with a ton of Pennystocks. A supposed merger or deal every 6 months and then you never hear about it again.
r/INPX. Inpixon® (Nasdaq: INPX) is the innovator of Indoor Intelligence™ delivering actionable insights for people, places and things.
What's the deal with INPX?
5ish years ago, one stock went for around $40k. Right now it's chilling at $1.01. Yes, you read that right. 40k to 1 measly dollar in 5 years.