Hybrid Capture:人類乳突病毒去氧核醣核酸的測試方法 賴瓊慧

人類乳突病毒去氧核醣核酸的測試方法 賴瓊慧

人類乳突病毒去氧核醣核酸的測試方法 賴瓊慧

不放大去氧核醣核酸,只放大訊號(signal)的方法;例如目前美國FDA核發臨床用的唯一HPV的測試方法是HybridCaptureIISystem(Digene,Inc.,SilverSpring,Md),它基本上是 ...。其他文章還包含有:「43.下列有關hybridcaptureassay的敘述,何者正確?(A..」、「Anovelfasthybridcapturesequencingmethodforhigh...」、「ComparisonofPCR」、「HybridCapture」、「Hybrid」、「TargetEnrichment」、「TargetedNGSbyhybridizationca...

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Target enrichment
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43.下列有關hybrid capture assay的敘述,何者正確? (A..
43.下列有關hybrid capture assay的敘述,何者正確? (A..


下列有關hybrid capture assay的敘述,何者正確? (A)使用RNA探針做偵測 (B)可偵測HPV癌化基因的點突變 (C)可精確定量高風險基因型的HPV病毒量

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A novel fast hybrid capture sequencing method for high ...
A novel fast hybrid capture sequencing method for high ...


In this method, specific probes or baits complementary to the target regions are designed and then hybridized to the genomic DNA or RNA (4), ...

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Comparison of PCR
Comparison of PCR


The hybrid capture technique is based on the formation of RNA-DNA hybrids between HPV DNA that may be present in clinical specimens and complementary unlabeled ...

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Hybrid Capture
Hybrid Capture


This review describes target-enrichment approaches followed by next generation sequencing and their recent application to the research and diagnostic field

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This method involves specific biotinylated DNA or RNA baits (probes) that hybridise to regions of interest (e.g., coding regions and ultra-conserved elements).

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Target Enrichment
Target Enrichment


Hybrid capture-based target enrichment lets researchers target regions of the genome that are relevant to their specific research interests. Targeted ...

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Targeted NGS by hybridization capture
Targeted NGS by hybridization capture


Hybridization capture is a targeted next generation sequencing method that uses long, biotinylated oligonucleotide baits (probes) to hybridize to the regions ...