Average exchange rate:Annual exchange rates

Annual exchange rates

Annual exchange rates

Theannualaverageexchangeratesarepublishedby12:30ETonthelastbusinessdayoftheyear.Exchangeratesareexpressedas1unitoftheforeign ...。其他文章還包含有:「AverageExchangeRates」、「CurrencyConverter」、「Euroforeignexchangereferencerates」、「Exchangerates」、「Monthlyaveragerates」、「Searchannualandmonthlyaverageexchangerates」、「USdollar(USD)」、「X」、「Yearlyaveragecurrencyexchangerates」

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Average Exchange Rates
Average Exchange Rates


The term “average exchange rate” is defined in section 1(1) of the Act and means, in relation to a year of assessment, the average exchange rate determined ...

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Currency Converter
Currency Converter


OANDA's Currency Converter allows you to check the latest foreign exchange average bid/ask rates and convert all major world currencies.

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Euro foreign exchange reference rates
Euro foreign exchange reference rates


The reference rates are usually updated at around 16:00 CET every working day, except on TARGET closing days.

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Exchange rates
Exchange rates


Exchange rates are defined as the price of one country's' currency in relation to another country's currency.

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Monthly average rates
Monthly average rates


View over 20+ years of historical exchange rate data, including monthly and yearly average rates in 50+ currencies.

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Search annual and monthly average exchange rates
Search annual and monthly average exchange rates


On this page you can search for annual and monthly averages of exchange rates against the Swedish krona, for years and months past.

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US dollar (USD)
US dollar (USD)


ECB euro reference exchange rate ; Min (3 October 2023). 1.0469 ; Max (26 August 2024). 1.1163 ; Average. 1.0817.

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Free foreign exchange rates and tools including a currency conversion calculator, historical rates and graphs, and a monthly exchange rate average.

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Yearly average currency exchange rates
Yearly average currency exchange rates


To convert from foreign currency to US dollars, divide the foreign currency amount by the applicable yearly average exchange rate in the table below.