Mbed print to terminal:The function printf does not print anything on the console

The function printf does not print anything on the console

The function printf does not print anything on the console

2020年10月2日—WhenIrunthiscode,an“empty”characterisbeingprintedintheconsole.#includembed.hintmain()printf(HelloWorld-n);while(1)} ...。其他文章還包含有:「BoardtoPCcommunicationoverUSB」、「ConsoleOutputinTerminalorIDE」、「Creatingaprintfconsoleoutput」、「CreatingConsoleOutput」、「Howtogetconsoleoutputonmbedstudio(fromnucleo64...」、「RedirectingprintftoUSBserialinMbedOS6」、「SerialPC」、...

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mbed toolsMbed OSMbed StudioMbed CLI
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Board to PC communication over USB
Board to PC communication over USB


Print out messages to a PC terminal (useful for debugging). · Read input from a PC keyboard. · Communicate with applications running on a PC to exchange data.

Provide From Google
Console Output in Terminal or IDE
Console Output in Terminal or IDE


I am new to hardware coding and coding as well (almost :smiley: ). I cant get it to work to print out to the Terminal.

Provide From Google
Creating a printf console output
Creating a printf console output


Open Tera Term, select Serial, select the COM port for your Nucleo board, and click OK. Select the Setup and then ...

Provide From Google
Creating Console Output
Creating Console Output


Open Tera Term, select Serial, select the COM port for your Nucleo board, and click OK. Select the Setup and then ...

Provide From Google
How to get console output on mbed studio(from nucleo 64 ...
How to get console output on mbed studio(from nucleo 64 ...


Hello, I'd like to use the console output window that opens up in mbed studio when I connect my nucleof446RE board.

Provide From Google
Redirecting printf to USB serial in Mbed OS 6
Redirecting printf to USB serial in Mbed OS 6


In 'non-blocking' mode, when the USB serial terminal is disconnected and reconnected the terminal would (re)connect but not get any data.

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Print out messages to a host PC terminal (useful for debugging!) · Read input from the host PC keyboard · Communicate with applications and programming languages ...

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Terminal applications run on your host PC, and provide a window for your mbed Microcontroller to print to, and a means for you to type characters back to your ...

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When I create an Embedded project with mbed, I no longer seem to be able to print out to console with PRINTF. I also tried using mbed's print functionality ...