single barbed arrow:The 8 Types of Arrows In Organic Chemistry

The 8 Types of Arrows In Organic Chemistry

The 8 Types of Arrows In Organic Chemistry

2011年2月9日—Thesingle-headed(or“single-barbed”)arrowdepictsthemovementofasingleelectron.Usefulindiscussionsofradicalchemistrymechanismsin ...。其他文章還包含有:「IllustratedGlossaryofOrganicChemistry」、「Curlyarrowconventionsinorganicchemistry(video)」、「CC」、「Arrowpushing」、「Chempendix」、「TypesofArrowsinChemistry」、「ArrowSymbolsinOrganicChemistry」、「CurvedArrows(forreactions)」

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Tomyknowledgethereare8differenttypesofarrowsyoumeetinorganicchemistry.Here’salittleguidetothem.1.Theforwardarrow,otherwiseknownasthe“reactionarrow”.Thepurposeofthisarrowistoshowaction.Now,“BH3,thenNaOH/H2O2”mightnotexactlyseemlike yourideaof“action”,butputyourselfinthealkene’sposition–it’sdoublebondisbeingrippedasunderinordertoformnewbondstoboronandhydrogen,andthenwiththeadditionofH2O2, thebondtoboronisreplacedwithonetooxygen.That’saprettyeventfuldayinthelifeofanalkene.Thereisn’tanyhardandfa...

curved arrow notation exampletypes of arrows in chemistrydouble barbed arrow organic chemistry
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Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry
Illustrated Glossary of Organic Chemistry

A double-barbed arrow indicates motion of an electron pair, whereas a single-barbed arrow indicates motion of a single electron. In this example, the curved ...

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Curly arrow conventions in organic chemistry (video)
Curly arrow conventions in organic chemistry (video)

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The single-barbed arrow represents a single electron rather than an electron pair. The single electron can come from an orbital that contains only one electron ...

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Arrow pushing
Arrow pushing

Single electron's trajectories are designated with single barbed arrows, whereas double-barbed arrows show movement of electron pairs. The arrow's tail is ...

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A double-barbed arrow shows the movement of two electrons. A single-barbed arrow shows the movement of one electron. (Below, all examples utilize doubled ...

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Types of Arrows in Chemistry
Types of Arrows in Chemistry

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Arrow Symbols in Organic Chemistry
Arrow Symbols in Organic Chemistry


The Curved Arrow (single headed). The single-headed (or “single-barbed”) arrow, shown in Figure 4, depicts the movement of a single electron.

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Curved Arrows (for reactions)
Curved Arrows (for reactions)


The purpose of the curved arrow is to show movement of electrons from one site to another. Electrons move from the tail to the head.