Trademark search:Global Brand Database

Global Brand Database

Global Brand Database


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WIPO trademark searchTrademark searchwipo商標檢索
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Search our trademark database
Search our trademark database

A search you complete before applying for a trademark registration to make sure your trademark is available to register for your particular ...

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Trademark Search
Trademark Search

We're committed to making ongoing updates to the search tool to serve you better. Help us enhance your user experience by sharing your feedback and suggestions.

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Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
Taiwan Intellectual Property Office

Search · Trademark Search · Patent Search.

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India Public Search
India Public Search

Loading. Please wait. Search Type : Wordmark, Vienna Code, Phonetic. Key Word, Value. Wordmark. Start With, Contains, Match With. Vienna Code. Phonetic ...

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Search for a trade mark
Search for a trade mark

Search for a trade mark. Find details of trade marks to: ... Search by trade mark number. Search by owner. Search by keyword, phrase or image. Search by flag, ...

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Taiwan Intellectual Property Office
Taiwan Intellectual Property Office

Resources and Tools ; Laws & Regulations. Patent · Trademark ; Search. Patents · Trademarks ; Resources. Annual Report · Statistics ; FAQs. Patent · Trademark ...

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Public Online Search
Public Online Search

Online Search System. 繁體中文; 简体中文. Welcome to Online Search System. Search for Trade Marks. Search for Patents. Search for Designs. Maintenance. Daily ...

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Trademark Search Free Tool
Trademark Search Free Tool


Trademark Search Tool. Free Trademark Search in over 70 countries and jurisdictions. Search by Trademark Name, Number or Applicant Name.

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Trademarkia: Trademark Search
Trademarkia: Trademark Search

Trademarkia provides a free, fast, user friendly search of USPTO registered trademarks. Also, with trademark registration you can protect your brand in 180+ ...