Little Xpconnect:Little Navmap和xp11不能连接怎么回事啊

Little Navmap和xp11不能连接怎么回事啊

Little Navmap和xp11不能连接怎么回事啊

要将LittleNavMap程序所在文件夹的LittleXpconnect拷贝到-X-Plane11-Resources-plugins目录下...名字叫LittleXpconnect给你个连接: ...。其他文章還包含有:「72.LittleXpconnect—LittleNavmapUserManual」、「77.LittleXpconnect—LittleNavmapUserManual」、「AlexProjects」、「connectXp12toLittlenavmap」、「GitHub-albar965littlexpconnect」、「LittleNavmap」、「LittleNavmap2.6.15andLit...

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Provide From Google
72. Little Xpconnect — Little Navmap User Manual
72. Little Xpconnect — Little Navmap User Manual

Little Navmap connects to X-Plane using the Little Xpconnect X-Plane plugin which has to be installed in X-Plane.

Provide From Google
77. Little Xpconnect — Little Navmap User Manual
77. Little Xpconnect — Little Navmap User Manual

Little Navmap connects to X-Plane using the Little Xpconnect X-Plane plugin which has to be installed in X-Plane.

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Alex Projects
Alex Projects

Little Navconnect is a free open source application that acts as an agent connecting Little Navmap with a flight simulator.

Provide From Google
connect Xp12 to Little navmap
connect Xp12 to Little navmap

In the LNM menu under Tools> Connect to flight simulator you can check the settings. If you are running LNM in the same computer no problems.

Provide From Google
GitHub - albar965littlexpconnect
GitHub - albar965littlexpconnect

A free and open source X-Plane plugin that allows to use Little Navmap as a moving map when flying. Little Navmap can connect locally to this plugin.

Provide From Google
Little Navmap
Little Navmap

Little Xpconnect is a X-Plane plugin that allows Little Navmap and Little Navconnect to connect to X-Plane. It is light weight, free and open source. Little ...

Provide From Google
Little Navmap 2.6.15 and Little Xpconnect 1.0.19
Little Navmap 2.6.15 and Little Xpconnect 1.0.19

There is a version of Little XPConnect in my Little Navmap program folder, according to the changelog version 1.0.25. Have you tried using that?

Provide From Google
Little Xpconnect not displayed in plugins
Little Xpconnect not displayed in plugins

I placed the Little Xpconnect folder in the correct place in my X-Plane 11 folder, but my plane still doesn't show on the map nor does Little Xpconnect appear ...

Provide From Google
littlexpconnectREADME.txt at master
littlexpconnectREADME.txt at master

A X-Plane plugin that allows to use Little Navmap as a moving map.Note that Little Xpconnect is included in the download archive of Little Navmap.