Definition of prime ideal:Prime ideal

Prime ideal

Prime ideal

Inalgebra,aprimeidealisasubsetofaringthatsharesmanyimportantpropertiesofaprimenumberintheringofintegers.Theprimeidealsforthe ...。其他文章還包含有:「PrimeIdeal」、「Whatisaprimeideal?」、「3.Primeandmaximalideals3.1.DefinitionsandExamples...」、「8.4」、「Primeideals:definition」、「primeidealinnLab」、「Section27」、「2」、「1.2.primeideals.」

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Maximal idealIrreducible idealProper ideal
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Prime Ideal
Prime Ideal

A prime ideal is an ideal I such that if ab in I, then either a in I or b in I. For example, in the integers, the ideal a=<p> (ie, the multiples of p) is prime.

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What is a prime ideal?
What is a prime ideal?

What is a prime ideal? · If a and b are two elements of R such that their product ab is an element of P, then a is in P or b is in P, · P is not ...

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3. Prime and maximal ideals 3.1. Definitions and Examples ...
3. Prime and maximal ideals 3.1. Definitions and Examples ...

Definitions and Examples. Definition. An ideal P in a ring A is called prime if P 6= A and if for every pair x, y of elements in A-P we have xy 6∈ P. ...

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An ideal P is called a prime ideal if P≠R and whenever the product ab∈P for a,b∈R, then at least one of a or b is in P. Example 8.4.3. In any ...

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Prime ideals: definition
Prime ideals: definition

In Z, the prime ideals correspond to the principal ideal (p) generated by prime numbers. Every non-zero prime ideal in Z is also maximal.

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prime ideal in nLab
prime ideal in nLab

Prime ideals are supposed to be a generalization of prime numbers from elements of the ring of integers to ideals in the sense of 'ideal elements' of an ...

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Section 27
Section 27

Prime ideals. Definition (27.13) An ideal P 6= R in a commutative ring is a prime ideal if ab ∈ P implies a ∈ P or b ∈ P. Example. 1.

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An ideal (I,+, . ) of the ring (R , + , . )is called Prime ideal if such that I , then either I or I . Example (1): In a ring ( , , ) an ideal ...

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1.2. prime ideals.
1.2. prime ideals.

Definition 1.12. A prime ideal is a proper ideal whose complement is closed under multiplication. This is equivalent to saying: ab ∈ p ⇐ ...