Crested duck:Crested Ducks

Crested Ducks

Crested Ducks

2024年2月11日—Thecrestedappearanceoftheseducksiscausedbyageneticmutationknownas“crestedgene”or“crestinggene.”Thisgenedisruptsthenormal ...。其他文章還包含有:「Crested(duckbreed)」、「Crestedduck」、「CrestedDuckLophonettaspecularioides」、「CrestedDucks」、「CrestedDucks」、「CrestedDucks」、「Facts」

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Crested (duck breed)
Crested (duck breed)

The Crested is a breed of domestic duck, characterised by a crest or tuft of feathers on the head. Ducks of this kind were probably brought from the East ...

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Crested duck
Crested duck

The crested duck or South American crested duck (Lophonetta specularioides) is a species of duck native to South America, belonging to the monotypic genus ...

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Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides
Crested Duck Lophonetta specularioides

A distinctive, rather large duck that is common in wetlands, lakes, bogs, slow-moving rivers, and along seacoasts. Sexes look alike: grayish brown overall ...

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Crested Ducks
Crested Ducks

Breed photos and information for Crested Ducks which when mated together have a lethal allele combination that causes 25% of embryos to die.

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Crested Ducks
Crested Ducks

Crested ducks have a wonderful regal air about them. There are reasonably good layers but mostly kept for pets. Crested ducks have been around for a long ...

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Crested Ducks
Crested Ducks

The Crested duck can be recognized by a thick head crest, which looks like an afro. Their primary use is for ornamental purposes.

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Crested Ducks are considered to be “dabbling ducks” – they swim and feed from the surface of the water, rarely making dives to get at food further down.