not have a hair out of place中文:not one hair out of place

not one hair out of place

not one hair out of place

英语-中文正在建设中.notonehairoutofplace—.一丝不苟().也可见:outof介...Iamnotsureifyouhavenoticedonepoint,thatis,LongHair ...。其他文章還包含有:「"Shedoesn'thaveanyhairoutofplace."是什麼意思?」、「ChineseTranslationof“NOTAHAIROUTOFPLACE”」、「notahairoutofplace的简体中文翻译」、「Notahairoutofplace衣冠整洁,一丝不乱」、「Notahairoutofplace衣冠整潔,一絲不亂」、「NOTAHAIROUTOFPLACE中文(簡...

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"She doesn't have any hair out of place."是什麼意思?
"She doesn't have any hair out of place."是什麼意思?

She doesn't have any hair out of place.的意思她完美.

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Chinese Translation of “NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE”
Chinese Translation of “NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE”


not a hair out of place 衣着一丝不乱 [yīzhuó yī sī bù luàn]. he didn't turn a hair 泰然处之 [tàirán chǔzhī]. to get in sb's hair 惹恼某人 [rěnǎo ...

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not a hair out of place 的简体中文翻译
not a hair out of place 的简体中文翻译


not a hair out of place 衣着一丝不乱 [yīzhuó yī sī bù luàn]. he didn't turn a hair 泰然处之 [tàirán chǔzhī]. to get in sb's hair 惹恼某人 [rěnǎo ...

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Not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱
Not a hair out of place 衣冠整洁,一丝不乱

今日短语 表达“not have a hair out of place(一丝不乱)” 用来比喻某人的“外表形象非常干净、利索,衣冠整洁”。

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Not a hair out of place 衣冠整潔,一絲不亂
Not a hair out of place 衣冠整潔,一絲不亂


表達「not have a hair out of place(一絲不亂)」 用來比喻某人的「外表形象非常乾淨、俐落,衣冠整潔」。 例句. The bride looked perfect – she ...

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NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE中文(簡體)翻譯:劍橋詞典


NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE翻譯:非常整洁。了解更多。

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NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典
NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典


NOT A HAIR OUT OF PLACE翻譯:非常整潔。了解更多。

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not one hair out of place
not one hair out of place

我們勞動者和普通人要取得我們勞動的尊嚴,要政府當善政的政府,劫富而濟貧, 拔一毛而利天下,而非以不足奉有餘。 In view of this, ...