Ideal quotient:代數導論二



2021年3月10日—定義:QuotientRing...這個ring稱為R對I的quotientring。為了方便,+I與×I這兩個運算日後就寫成×跟+。只要看到兩邊都是coset就自動把他 ...。其他文章還包含有:「8.3」、「Howisthequotientoftwoidealsdefined?」、「Idealquotient」、「Ideals和QuotientRings」、「IntegralDomain,Ideal」、「Lesson28–QuotientIdeals」、「中級Ring的性質」

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The quotient R/I of the ring R by a subgroup I has a natural ring structure if and only if I is closed under multiplication on the left and right by elements ...

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How is the quotient of two ideals defined?
How is the quotient of two ideals defined?

The image of J under this homomorphism is an ideal of A/I and it is quite naturally denoted J/I, because it consists of all elements of the form x+I, with x∈J.

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Ideal quotient
Ideal quotient

The ideal quotient is useful for calculating primary decompositions. It also arises in the description of the set difference in algebraic geometry.

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Ideals 和Quotient Rings
Ideals 和Quotient Rings

Ideals 和Quotient Rings. ... ideal. 我們回憶一下, normal subgroup 之所以比一般的subgroup 好用在於可以利用它得到一個新的group 稱之為quotient group. 也就是說 ...

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Integral Domain, Ideal
Integral Domain, Ideal


就是Ring quotient principal ideal 會造出一個quotient field. 可以証明所有的finite field 都是p or p^n elements. isomorphism to GF℗ or GF(P^ ...

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Lesson 28 – Quotient Ideals
Lesson 28 – Quotient Ideals

The ideal-theoretic analogue of is an ideal known as the quotient ideal. Definition If and are ideals in. , then the quotient ideal or colon ideal is the ideal ...

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中級Ring 的性質
中級Ring 的性質

7 的方法利用quotient ring 來判別一個ideal. 是否為maximal ideal. Theorem 6.5.11. 若R 是一個commutative ring with 1 且M 是R 的一個ideal,. 則M 是R 的一個maximal ...