Treaty of Tientsin:Treaty of Tientsin

Treaty of Tientsin

Treaty of Tientsin

TheTreatyofTientsin,alsoknownastheTreatyofTianjin,isacollectivenameforseveraldocumentssignedatTianjin(thenromanizedasTientsin)in ...。其他文章還包含有:「ConventionofTientsin」、「TheOpeningtoChinaPartII」、「theSecondOpiumWar」、「TheTreatiesofTianjin」、「TreatiesofTianjin」、「TreatyofTianjin(1885)」、「TreatyofTianjin(Tien-tsin),1858」、「TREATYOFTIENTSIN」、「TreatyofTientsinbetweentheQue...

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Convention of Tientsin
Convention of Tientsin

This article is about the 1885 treaty between China and Japan. For the 1884 agreement between the Chinese and the French over control of Tonkin, see Tientsin ...

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The Opening to China Part II
The Opening to China Part II

The Opening to China Part II: the Second Opium War, the United States, and the Treaty of Tianjin, 1857–1859. Following the First Opium War in the 1840s, ...

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the Second Opium War
the Second Opium War

As a result, France, Russia, and the United States all signed treaties with China at Tianjin in quick succession in 1858. These treaties granted the Western ...

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The Treaties of Tianjin
The Treaties of Tianjin

The Chinese government reluctantly signed treaties with the British and French on June 26th and 27th, which provided more ports for Western use ...

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Treaties of Tianjin
Treaties of Tianjin

The treaties of Tianjin, signed in June 1858, provided residence in Beijing for foreign envoys, the opening of several new ports to Western trade and ...

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Treaty of Tianjin (1885)
Treaty of Tianjin (1885)

The unequal treaty, or colonial treaty, restated in greater detail the main provisions of the Tianjin Accord, signed between France and China on May 11, 1884.

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Treaty of Tianjin (Tien-tsin), 1858
Treaty of Tianjin (Tien-tsin), 1858

Treaty between the United States of America and the Empire of China. ... And the said Ministers, in virtue of the respective full powers they have received from ...

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Treaty of Peking, art. 5-24th October, 1860. 1-TREATY OF TIENTSIN, 1858. Treaty - of Peace, Friendship and Commerce, between Great Britain and

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Treaty of Tientsin between the Queen of Great Britain and ...
Treaty of Tientsin between the Queen of Great Britain and ...

The Treaty of Peace and Amity between the two nations, signed at Nanking on the twenty-ninth day of August, in the year eighteen hundred and forty-two, is ...