Jump Crypto:那個神祕的高頻交易巨頭創立了Jump Crypto,他們究竟要做 ...

那個神祕的高頻交易巨頭創立了Jump Crypto,他們究竟要做 ...

那個神祕的高頻交易巨頭創立了Jump Crypto,他們究竟要做 ...

2021年9月14日—JumpTradingGroup是一家交易機構,從芝商所(CME)交易池中起步,成長爲一家以研究爲導向的量化交易公司,在全球擁有1,000多名員工,且是傳統資產類別 ...。其他文章還包含有:「JumpCrypto」、「JumpCrypto(@jump」、「JumpCrypto」、「JumpCrypto」、「JumpCrypto彙整」、「JumpTrading」、「Writing」、「不堪監管打壓!JaneStreet、JumpCrypto退出美國幣市」、「又踢鐵板!被迫退出美國幣市後,JumpTrading...

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Jump Crypto
Jump Crypto


Jump Crypto, a division of the Jump Trading Group, is a global leader in Web3 infrastructure development and investment.

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Jump Crypto (@jump
Jump Crypto (@jump


Jump Crypto is not shutting down. We believe we're one of the most well-capitalized and liquid firms in crypto. We are still actively investing and trading, ...

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Jump Crypto
Jump Crypto


Jump Crypto is a division of Jump Trading Group, a research-driven quantitative trading firm and one of the largest traders, by volume, across traditional asset ...

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Jump Crypto
Jump Crypto


標籤: Jump Crypto · UST崩盤有鬼》SEC爆Jump Trading「倒貨LUNA」賺10億鎂,與Terra暗中交易 · 從駭客手上駭回! · Jump 7天拋賣2.6萬顆ETH、以太跌破1,200! · Fatman遭打臉 ...

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Jump Crypto 彙整
Jump Crypto 彙整


又踢鐵板!被迫退出美國幣市後,Jump Trading 遭Terra 投資人集體訴訟 ... Jane Street、Jump Crypto 退出美國幣市 ... 分析:Jump Crypto 拋售傳聞引發獲利了結.

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Jump Trading
Jump Trading


Jump Trading has been partnering, innovating and trading in the crypto world for years. The aim of Jump Crypto is to help shape the future of the industry.

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Backed by decades of experience developing global trading systems operating at far greater scale than public blockchains, Jump seeks to improve Solana network ...

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不堪監管打壓!Jane Street、Jump Crypto 退出美國幣市
不堪監管打壓!Jane Street、Jump Crypto 退出美國幣市


面臨美國監管機構的頻頻打壓,全球兩大頂尖造市商Jane Street Group 、 Jump Crypto 知難而退,相繼撤出美國加密貨幣市場。

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又踢鐵板!被迫退出美國幣市後,Jump Trading 遭Terra 投資人 ...
又踢鐵板!被迫退出美國幣市後,Jump Trading 遭Terra 投資人 ...


據彭博社報導,由於最近監管壓力加大,Jump Trading 的數位資產交易部門Jump Crypto 正計劃在國際上擴張,並退出美國市場。 Jump 和Terra 的滑鐵盧,也是 ...
