Illumina WGS:Illumina Complete Long Reads software analysis workflow ...

Illumina Complete Long Reads software analysis workflow ...

Illumina Complete Long Reads software analysis workflow ...

ProvenIlluminasequencingbysynthesis(SBS)chemistrycombinedwithaward-winningDRAGENsecondaryanalysisdeliverswhole-genomesequencing(WGS)data ...。其他文章還包含有:「ClinicalWhole」、「HumanWhole」、「IlluminaDNAPCR」、「IlluminaDNAPrep」、「MicrobialWhole」、「NextSeq500SystemWGSSolution」、「RareDiseaseWhole」、「WholeGenomeSequencing」、「Whole」

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Clinical Whole
Clinical Whole

The Illumina Clinical Services Laboratory was the first clinical lab to generate a personal whole-genome sequence and remains a leading service provider today.

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Human Whole
Human Whole

Illumina Complete Long Read Prep, Human. Designed for human whole-genome sequencing (WGS) by enabling short and long reads from a single platform. View Product ...

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Illumina DNA PCR
Illumina DNA PCR

Illumina DNA PCR-Free Library Prep offers flexibility for many whole-genome sequencing applications. Fast, automatable workflow, with ~1.5 hours total time ...

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Illumina DNA Prep
Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for a wide range of applications, from human whole-genome sequencing to amplicons, plasmids, and microbial species.

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Microbial Whole
Microbial Whole

Illumina sequencers provide unparalleled raw read accuracy, read length and read depth for high-quality draft and complete microbial genome assemblies. Get the ...

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NextSeq 500 System WGS Solution
NextSeq 500 System WGS Solution

Scalable, Affordable WGS. Rapid and cost-effective sequencing of complex genomes in your laboratory. • Easy, Accessible Data Analysis and Storage. Solutions.

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Rare Disease Whole
Rare Disease Whole

Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) for rare disease offers three key advantages over other genetic testing methods: Potential for greater diagnostic yield10 ...

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Whole Genome Sequencing
Whole Genome Sequencing

The Whole Genome Sequencing Workflow is a rapid alignment, variant calling, and annotation tool for whole genome sequencing data. The app maps reads using ...

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Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) is a comprehensive method for analyzing entire genomes. Genomic information has been instrumental in identifying inherited ...
