Entrance pupil:The Entrance Pupil of the Lens

The Entrance Pupil of the Lens

The Entrance Pupil of the Lens

2020年4月6日—Theentrancepupilistheimageofthelens'aperturestopasseenfromthefrontofthelens—throughtheglasselementsinfrontoftheiris ...。其他文章還包含有:「Amodeloftheentrancepupilofthehumaneye」、「Entranceandexitpupil」、「EntrancePupil&ExitPupil」、「Entrancepupil」、「EntrancePupil:MostUp-to」、「OpticsRealmTutorial-12」、「Pupil|Eye,Iris」、「Section9StopsandPupils」、「Stops,Pupils」

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TheWorldRevolvesAroundtheEntrancePupil Thenextthingtounderstandabouttheentrancepupilisthatit’sthecenterofperspectiveforthelens.Theentrancepupilissometimesincorrectlyreferredtoasthenodalpoint.Opticallyspeaking,everyglasselementwithinthelenshastwonodalpoints,andtheconjugateofalltheelementsformsfournodalpoints,butthatisallacademic.Whatpeopleactuallymeanwhentheyrefertothenodalpointofalensisitsno-parallaxpoint,orwhatcouldmoresimplybecalledtheopticalcenterofthelens:theentrancepupil. Ifyoupositiont...

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A model of the entrance pupil of the human eye
A model of the entrance pupil of the human eye


The entrance pupil is defined instead by the nearest adjacent point from within the aperture stop that does successfully reach the observer, ...

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Entrance and exit pupil
Entrance and exit pupil


The entrance pupil is the apparent aperture as seen from the object side. One solves that problem by constructing the so-called entrance pupil, which has a ...

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Entrance Pupil & Exit Pupil
Entrance Pupil & Exit Pupil


Entrance Pupil & Exit Pupil. • A “Cooke-triplet” consists of three thin lenses in succession, and is often used in cameras. It was patented in 1893, and was ...

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Entrance pupil
Entrance pupil


In an optical system, the entrance pupil is the optical image of the physical aperture stop, as 'seen' through the front (the object side) of the lens ...

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Entrance Pupil: Most Up-to
Entrance Pupil: Most Up-to


In an optical system, the entrance pupil is the optical image of the physical aperture stop seen through the front (object side) of the lens system.

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OpticsRealm Tutorial - 12
OpticsRealm Tutorial - 12


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Pupil | Eye, Iris
Pupil | Eye, Iris


The virtual image of the aperture for lens I (as seen from the object point) is called the entrance pupil. ... entrance pupil, just as it is actually by the stop ...

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Section 9 Stops and Pupils
Section 9 Stops and Pupils


The entrance pupil (EP) is the image of the stop into object space, and the exit pupil (XP) is the image of the stop into image space. The pupils define the ...

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Stops, Pupils
Stops, Pupils


Entrance Pupil. The entrance pupil of a system is the image of the aperture stop as seen from a point on the optic axis in the object plane.