MIT Architecture:Undergraduate Admissions

Undergraduate Admissions

Undergraduate Admissions

TheMITDepartmentofArchitectureofferstwoundergraduatemajorsprovidingadeepandbroadundergraduateeducationinthefieldsofarchitecture,art, ...。其他文章還包含有:「About」、「Architecture+Urbanism」、「GraduateAdmissions」、「GraduatePrograms」、「MITArchitecture」、「MITSchoolofArchitectureandPlanning」、「People」、「UndergraduateArchitecture+Design」

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MIT Architecture is shaped by MIT's architecture. From our front door on Massachusetts Avenue, this architecture is imposing, classical, and apparently ...

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Architecture + Urbanism
Architecture + Urbanism

Architecture at MIT has a strong commitment to the urban contexts and challenges of design, from core studios to advanced option studios and design workshops in ...

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Graduate Admissions
Graduate Admissions

The MArch is the first professional degree preparing students for a career as an architect. The program takes 3.5 years, comprising six studios, followed by a ...

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Graduate Programs
Graduate Programs

MIT Architecture's Jumpstart is designed to prepare incoming MArch students for the rigors of the first design studio and to develop basic skills.

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MIT Architecture
MIT Architecture

MIT architecture professor Miho Mazereeuw's work on disaster resilience focuses on plans, people, and policies, well as technology and design, to prepare for ...

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MIT School of Architecture and Planning
MIT School of Architecture and Planning

The MIT School of Architecture and Planning is one of the five schools of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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The Architecture community represents a broad range of academic backgrounds as well as practice and research interests.

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Undergraduate Architecture + Design
Undergraduate Architecture + Design

The MIT Department of Architecture offers two undergraduate majors providing a deep and broad undergraduate education in the fields of architecture, art, ...