ThisonlinetoolusesthesamemethodastheGPT-4andGPT-3.5-turbo(ChatGPT)tokenizer.Simplypasteinthetextyouwanttotokenizeanditwillcalculate ...。其他文章還包含有:「AzureOpenAIService02」、「ChatGPTPricingCalculator」、「FREEChatGPTTokenCalculator」、「GPTTools」、「OpenAIAPIPricingCalculator(ChatGPT」、「OpenAIAPIPricingcalculator•」、「OpenAITokenCalculator」、「Tokenizer」、「Whataret...

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ChatGPT token calculatorazure openai費用openai token費用銀行token是什麼Token是什麼openai token計算gpt3.5 token limitopenai api計費ChatGPT token limitchatgpt api費用openai api費用openai api免費額度OpenAI token calculatortoken計算器gpt-3 token limit
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Azure OpenAI Service 02
Azure OpenAI Service 02

使用官方套件tiktoken 來計算Token. 那要我們想要計算ChatGPT 所使用的Token 數該怎麼辦呢?這時候可以參考OpenAI 官方How to count tokens with ...

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ChatGPT Pricing Calculator
ChatGPT Pricing Calculator

Estimate the cost of using ChatGPT API based on the average number of words ... ChatGPT uses a token-based pricing model where the cost is determined by the ...

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FREE ChatGPT Token Calculator
FREE ChatGPT Token Calculator

Welcome to our ChatGPT/GPT-4 token calculator page! This handy tool is designed to help you estimate the cost of using OpenAI's ChatGPT by calculating the ...

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GPT Tools
GPT Tools

Tools. Token estimator. Calculate the number of tokens in a text block. Search token estimator.

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OpenAI API Pricing Calculator (ChatGPT
OpenAI API Pricing Calculator (ChatGPT

The ChatGPT Token Calculator allows users to determine how much they would potentially spend when leveraging this model for conversation-based applications.

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OpenAI API Pricing calculator •
OpenAI API Pricing calculator •

The table below provides a pricing calculator for OpenAI GPT API, Azure OpenAI APIs, Google Palm API and ... A token is the unit of account of OpenAI.

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OpenAI Token Calculator
OpenAI Token Calculator


This is a simple calculator created to help you estimate the number of tokens based on the known number of words you expect to feed into GPT.

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You can use the tool below to understand how a piece of text would be tokenized by the API, and the total count of tokens in that piece of text. GPT-3‍ Codex‍.

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What are tokens and how to count them?
What are tokens and how to count them?

Token Limits. Depending on the model used, requests can use up to 4097 tokens shared between prompt and completion. If your prompt is 4000 tokens, ...