AWS SES sandbox:Creating and verifying identities in Amazon SES

Creating and verifying identities in Amazon SES

Creating and verifying identities in Amazon SES


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Amazon SES 常見問答集
Amazon SES 常見問答集

Amazon SES 提供許多電子郵件工具,包括:電子郵件寄件者組態選項、電子郵件交付能力工具、彈性的電子郵件部署選項、寄件者和身分管理、電子郵件安全、電子郵件傳送統計 ...

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Getting started with Amazon Simple Email Service
Getting started with Amazon Simple Email Service

This chapter guides you through tasks required for initial set up of Amazon SES as well as tutorials to help you get started.

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Managing your Amazon SES sending limits
Managing your Amazon SES sending limits

When your account is in the Amazon SES sandbox, you can only send 200 messages per 24-hour period, and your maximum sending rate is one message per second.

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Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox
Moving out of the Amazon SES sandbox

The sandbox status for your account is unique per each AWS Region. While your account is in the sandbox, you can use all of the features of Amazon SES. However, ...

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Sending test emails in Amazon SES with the simulator
Sending test emails in Amazon SES with the simulator

You can use the mailbox simulator even if your account is in the Amazon SES sandbox. Emails that you send to the mailbox simulator are limited by your account's ...

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使用AWS SDK 以透過Amazon SES 驗證電子郵件身分並傳送訊息
使用AWS SDK 以透過Amazon SES 驗證電子郵件身分並傳送訊息

使用AWS SDK 以透過Amazon SES 驗證電子郵件身分並傳送訊息. ... Unless your fAmazon SES account is out of sandbox, you can send mail only from fand to ...

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使用AWS SDK 透過Amazon SES 傳送電子郵件
使用AWS SDK 透過Amazon SES 傳送電子郵件

您可以使用AWS 軟體開發套件來透過Amazon SES 傳送電子郵件。AWS軟體開發套件提供多種程式設計語言。如需詳細資訊,請參閱Amazon Web Services 適用工具 。

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移出Amazon SES 沙盒
移出Amazon SES 沙盒

在主控台頂端的警告方塊中,顯示「Your Amazon SES account is in the sandbox (您的Amazon SES 帳戶位於沙河中)」,在右側選擇Request production access (請求生產存 ...

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移出SES 沙盒
移出SES 沙盒

在导航窗格中,选择Account dashboard(账户控制面板)。 在控制台顶部的警告框中(显示“Your SES account is in the sandbox”(您的Amazon SES 账户处于沙 ...
