scale says lo with new batteries:I changed the batteries and now the scale reads LO
I changed the batteries and now the scale reads LO
2015年3月29日—WhenthescalesaysLo/Lowthismeansthebatteriesmustbechangedasthereislowpowerthatisnotsufficientenoughforittooperate ...。其他文章還包含有:「Error"Lo"onmyweightscale」、「HowtoFixDigitalScaleShowingLOorBATStatus」、「Myscaleissaying"lo"whenIstep...」、「MyscalesdisplayLo.Whatdoesthismean?」、「WhattodoifmyScaledisplays"OL","Lo"」、「WhydoestheScalesayLoLow?」
查看更多 離開網站Error "Lo" on my weight scale
Lo means your battery is Low, you need to change the batteries. Upvote 1
How to Fix Digital Scale Showing LO or BAT Status
My scale is saying "lo" when I step ...
A: This means Low battery , you have to replace the batteries .
My scales display Lo. What does this mean?
Lo means Low Battery. In other words, your scales will soon be out of power and the batteries are almost empty. Simply change the batteries and ...
What to do if my Scale displays "OL", "Lo"
Why does the Scale say LoLow?
When the scale says Lo/Low this means the batteries must be changed as there is low power that is not sufficient enough for it to operate ...