evergol seed treatment:EverGol Energy

EverGol Energy

EverGol Energy


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EverGol Energy Seed Treatment
EverGol Energy Seed Treatment


EverGol Energy is a new broad-spectrum fungicidal seed treatment from Bayer. It combines the proven disease control of penflufen with the systemic activity ...

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EverGol Energy Seed Treatment Fungicide
EverGol Energy Seed Treatment Fungicide


Featuring a new class of chemistry for seed treatments, EverGol® Energy Seed Treatment Fungicide is an innovative seed treatment fungicide that promotes ...

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EverGol Prime web label
EverGol Prime web label


Seed treatment. EverGol Prime is applied to seed prior to sowing. Ensure even coverage of seed. Rhizoctonia Critical Comments. EverGol Prime application via ...

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Treating seed infected with Fusarium spp. will reduce fungal colonisation on germinating seeds and consequently help reduce seedling blight and levels of crown ...

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EverGol® Prime Seed Treatment & In
EverGol® Prime Seed Treatment & In


EverGol Prime is an innovative new generation Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor (SDHI) fungicidal seed treatment from Bayer Crop Science.

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EverGol® Xtend Seed Treatment in Pasture Crops
EverGol® Xtend Seed Treatment in Pasture Crops


EverGol Xtend is an innovative new generation Succinate Dehydrogenase Inhibitor (SDHI) and strobilurin fungicidal seed treatment from Bayer.

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SeedGrowth EverGol Xtend
SeedGrowth EverGol Xtend


It provides Active Root Growth Promotion and gives energy to the seeds. EverGol Xtend treated plants result in improved plant emergence, survival and increase ...