miseq specs:MiSeq System Data Sheet
MiSeq System Data Sheet
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MiSeq Specifications
Cluster Generation and Sequencing ; ~4 hrs, ~5.5 hrs, ~24 hrs, ~39 hrs ; 540–610 Mb, 750–850 Mb, 4.5–5.1 Gb, 7.5–8.5 Gb ...
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【illumina】MiSeq. 前往原廠連結. 產品敘述. 產品規格. 產品敘述. 產品規格. 產品敘述. 較長讀長適用於微生物全基因體定序 MiSeq利用illumina現有Clonal Single Molecule ...
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Specifications for the MiSeq
Specifications for the MiSeq ; v2 Standard. 14 tiles. Dual surface ; v2 Micro. 4 tiles. Dual surface ; v2 Nano. 2 tiles. Single surface ; v3 Standard. 19 tiles.