is the nile, the longest river in africa:Nile



TheNileisamajornorth-flowingriverinnortheasternAfrica.ItflowsintotheMediterraneanSea.TheNileisthelongestriverinAfricaandhas ...。其他文章還包含有:「Africa'slongestriverisunderthreat」、「Africa」、「LongestRiversinAfrica」、「NileRiver|Delta,Map,Basin,Length」、「ThecourseoftheNileRiver」、「TheLongestriverinAfricalocatedinThePearlOf...」、「TheNileistheworld'slongestriver?TheAmazonwo...

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top 10 longest river in africaThe Nile is a river in Egypt meaning尼羅河在哪個國家Lena riverThe longest river in ChinaNileThe longest river in Asia尼羅河特色尼羅河印度nile river nownile泳帽The longest bridge in the worldwhich one is the deepest river in zambiaLongest river in the worldNile River
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Africa's longest river is under threat
Africa's longest river is under threat

Africa's longest river - The Nile - is under threat. It's essential for millions of people, including in Sudan.

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Longest Rivers in Africa
Longest Rivers in Africa

The Nile River, the longest river in Africa, has been an essential mode of transportation for centuries. The ancient Egyptians used the Nile River to transport ...

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Nile River | Delta, Map, Basin, Length
Nile River | Delta, Map, Basin, Length

Nile River, the longest river in the world, called the father of African rivers. It rises south of the Equator and flows northward through ...

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The course of the Nile River
The course of the Nile River

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The Longest river in Africa located in The Pearl Of ...
The Longest river in Africa located in The Pearl Of ...

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The Nile is the world's longest river? The Amazon would ...
The Nile is the world's longest river? The Amazon would ...

In 1846, according to the atlas “Maps of Useful Knowledge,” the Amazon was the world's longest river, at 3,200 miles; the Nile came in at 2,750.

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Top 5 Longest Rivers in Africa
Top 5 Longest Rivers in Africa

The Nile is the longest river in Africa. Covering 6650km of African landmass, the Nile flows through 11 separate countries. Which river is the second-longest ...

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What is the longest river in Africa?
What is the longest river in Africa?

The Nile river flows northward crossing 10 countries: Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Democratic Republic of the Congo, South Sudan, Sudan, Egypt and ...