paragraph padma river:Padma Bridge
Padma Bridge
ThePadmaMultipurposeBridgecommonlyknownasthePadmaBridgeisatwo-levelroad-railbridgeacrossthePadmaRiver,themaindistributaryoftheGanges ...。其他文章還包含有:「PadmaBridgeParagraph&Essay100」、「PadmaBridgeParagraphforSSC,HSC[150」、「PadmaBridgeParagraphin150」、「PadmaBridgeParagraphin200words」、「PadmaRiver」、「PadmaRiver」、「PadmaRiver|Bangladesh,Map」
查看更多 離開網站LongestbridgeinBangladeshThePadmaMultipurposeBridge(Bengali:পদ্মাবহুমুখীসেতু,romanized: PôdmaBôhumukhīShetu),commonlyknownasthePadmaBridge(Bengali:পদ্মাসেতু,romanized: PôddaSetu),isatwo-levelroad-railbridgeacrossthePadmaRiver,themaindistributaryoftheGangesinBangladesh.[4][5]ItconnectsLouhajangUpazilaofMunshiganjandZaziraUpazilaofShariatpurandasmallpartofShibcharUpazilaofMadaripur,linkingthelessdevelopedsouthwestofthecountrytothenorthernandeasternregions.Thebridgewasinauguratedonthemorningof2...
Padma Bridge Paragraph & Essay 100
Padma River is one of the most rapid and erosive rivers in the world. Therefore, building a bridge over this river was a very difficult task.
Padma Bridge Paragraph for SSC, HSC [ 150
It is a multipurpose road-rail bridge over the Padma River. It is the world's 6th largest multipurpose bridge. The Padma Bridge is 122th longest ...
Padma Bridge Paragraph in 150
The Padma Bridge is the world's 122nd largest multipurpose bridge over the Padma River. Here are some paragraphs on Padma Bridge.
Padma Bridge Paragraph in 200 words
It connects Mawa of Munshiganj with Janjira of Shariatpur. The Padma bridge is a multipurpose road-rail bridge across the Padma river in Bangladesh. It will be ...
Padma River
The Padma is a major river in Bangladesh. It is the main distributary of the Ganges, flowing generally southeast for 356 kilometres (221 mi) to its ...
Padma River
The Padma is one of the biggest rivers in Bangladesh. When the Ganges ... Padma river can be visited from Pabna District, Kushtia District & Rajshahi District.
Padma River | Bangladesh, Map
The Padma River is known for heavy bank erosion, shifting channels, and sandbars that continually emerge in its course. Its main tributary is the Mahananda; its ...