HKIAC Rules:2018 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules

2018 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules

2018 HKIAC Administered Arbitration Rules

1.1TheseRulesshallgovernarbitrationswhereanarbitrationagreement(whetherenteredintobeforeorafteradisputehasarisen)either:(a)providesfor ...。其他文章還包含有:「2014HKIACDomesticArbitrationRules」、「2015Procedures」、「2018AdministeredArbitrationRules」、「HKIACDomesticArbitrationRules」、「OtherHKIACRules」、「Rules」、「Rules&PracticeNotes」、「本地仲裁規則」

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2014 HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules
2014 HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules

The objective of the HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules is to provide a suitable framework for the resolution of the widest possible range of domestic ...

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2015 Procedures
2015 Procedures

The HKIAC Procedures for the Administration of International Arbitration are designed for use by parties who seek the benefits of an administered ...

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2018 Administered Arbitration Rules
2018 Administered Arbitration Rules

These Rules have been adopted by the Council of the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) for use by parties who seek the procedural flexibility ...

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HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules
HKIAC Domestic Arbitration Rules

5.1 The parties must be treated with equality. The Arbitrator is required to be independent, and to act fairly and impartially as between the parties, giving ...

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Other HKIAC Rules
Other HKIAC Rules

The HKIAC Short Form Arbitration Rules are for use by parties who wish to resolve their disputes through a shortened form of procedure. The rules were first ...

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The HKIAC has put together various rules that can assist parties with their mediation process. Click on the links below to find out more.

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Rules & Practice Notes
Rules & Practice Notes

Why HKIAC? Arrangement on Interim Measures · 2018 Administered Arbitration Rules · Arbitrators · Costs & Duration · Tribunal Secretaries · Interim Measures ...

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These Domestic Arbitration Rules (2014), which amended and replaced the Domestic Arbitration Rules (2012), have been adopted by the Council of the Hong Kong ...