where is the lena river located:Lena
TheLenaRiverderivesitswatersfromanextensivecatchmentareaof2,486,000km2.ItisRussia'ssecond-largestriverbyvolumeandthirdlargestby ...。其他文章還包含有:「Lena(river)」、「LenaBasin」、「LenaRiver」、「LenaRiver」、「LenaRiver」、「LenaRiverSedimentation」、「LenaRiver」、「TheLenaRiver」、「WhereistheLenaRiverlocated」
查看更多 離開網站BoundariesTheLenaRiverecoregionencompassesthedrainageareasofcontinentalArcticriversfromAnabareastwardstoKhroma,aswellastheNovosibirskiyeIslands.Inthewest,theborderoftheecoregiongoesalongtheSyuryakh-DyangyRangeandAnabarskoyePlateau(thedividebetweenthePopigayRiver[Taimyr,607]andAnabar,andthenbetweentheKotuyRiverheadwaters[607]andOlenek).Furthersouthward,theLenadrainageareaiscontiguouswiththeYeniseidrainageareaalongtheBerezovyyRange,IlimskiyRange,andthewesternspursoftheSrednesibirskoyePloskogor...
Lena (river)
The Lena is a river (En: Helen) in the Russian Far East, and is the easternmost of the three great Siberian rivers that flow into the Arctic Ocean (the ...
Lena Basin
The Lena originates in the Baikal Mountains, south of the Central Siberian Plateau and west of Lake Baikal, and flows northeast until it empties in the Laptev ...
Lena River
The river, 2,850 mi (4,597 km) long, flows mostly through Sakha, but its origins are in the Irkutsk District, immediately west of Lake BAIKAL. Its tributaries ...
Lena River
The Lena begins in the Baikal Mountains, a mountain range in central Siberia, at a point 11 km (6.8 mi) west of Lake Baikal. The Lena flows northeast. Some of ...
Lena River
The Lena River, in eastern Siberia, Russia, is one of the longest rivers in the world. It flows generally northward for 2730 miles (4400 kilometers) from ...
Lena River Sedimentation
Lena River
It is connected in the west with the Kara Sea and in the east with the East Siberian Sea. Formerly called the Siberian Sea, it was renamed in 1935 after ...
The Lena River
The Lena travels 2736 miles from the Baikal Mountains to the Laptev Sea of the Arctic Ocean. Its drainage basin is one of the largest in the world.
Where is the Lena River located
The Lena River is located in Russia. It originates from the Baikal Mountains in the Republic of Buryatia and flows to th. Continue reading.