Irreducible ideal:Irreducible Ideal

Irreducible Ideal

Irreducible Ideal

Aproperidealofaringthatisnottheintersectionoftwoidealswhichproperlycontainit.Inaprincipalidealdomain,theidealI=isirreducibleiff ...。其他文章還包含有:「$I$anirreducibleidealinaPIDisaprimeideal」、「Irreducibleideal」、「irreducibleidealinnLab」、「Isanirreducibleidealalwaysaprimeidealinafinite...」、「Isanirreducibleidealin$R$irreduciblein$R[x]」、「Istheidealgeneratedbyanirreduciblepolynomia...

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$I$ an irreducible ideal in a PID is a prime ideal
$I$ an irreducible ideal in a PID is a prime ideal

I an irreducible ideal in a PID is a prime ideal ... I is irreducible ideal of R when R is a PID , I want to show it's a prime ideal. ... Well ...

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Irreducible ideal
Irreducible ideal

Irreducible ideal ... In mathematics, a proper ideal of a commutative ring is said to be irreducible if it cannot be written as the intersection of two strictly ...

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irreducible ideal in nLab
irreducible ideal in nLab

Definition 2.2. An ideal I I of R R is irreducible if, whenever I I equals the intersection of a finite list of ideals of R R , I I equals at ...

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Is an irreducible ideal always a prime ideal in a finite ...
Is an irreducible ideal always a prime ideal in a finite ...

Is an irreducible ideal always a prime ideal in a finite commutative ring? ... Let R a finite commutative unital ring. Prove that an ideal of R is ...

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Is an irreducible ideal in $R$ irreducible in $R[x]
Is an irreducible ideal in $R$ irreducible in $R[x]

The answer to the question is yes since the number of irreducible components has a homological characterization which goes roughly as follows: ...

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Is the ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial prime?
Is the ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial prime?

@kahen gave a good example. Here is more detail, note that R[x] is the ring we look at. Also when there is no implication means there is a ...

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Is the radical of an irreducible ideal irreducible?
Is the radical of an irreducible ideal irreducible?

Is the radical of an irreducible ideal irreducible? · You may find it useful to prove the following lemma: the radical of any ideal I is the ...

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Prime ideals and irreducible ideals
Prime ideals and irreducible ideals

Prime ideals and irreducible ideals ... I have the following definitions: An ideal I is prime if, whenever ab∈I, either a∈I or b∈I. An ideal J ...

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不可約理想Irreducible Ideal
不可約理想Irreducible Ideal


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