Information ratio:資訊比率是什麼?資訊比率公式如何計算?和夏普比率差異 ...

資訊比率是什麼?資訊比率公式如何計算?和夏普比率差異 ...

資訊比率是什麼?資訊比率公式如何計算?和夏普比率差異 ...

2022年1月30日—資訊比率(英文:InformationRatio,IR),它是用來衡量或比較一項投資(基金/股票/投資組合),相對於基準指數的超額報酬,以及超額報酬的波動性(也被稱為 ...。其他文章還包含有:「Informationratio」、「InformationRatio(IR):Definition」、「InformationRatio-Definition」、「InformationRatio」、「InformationRatio:Meaning」、「TheInformationRatio」、「WhatisInformationRatio?Definitionof...」、「訊息...

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Information ratio
Information ratio

The information ratio measures and compares the active return of an investment compared to a benchmark index relative to the volatility of the active ...

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Information Ratio (IR): Definition
Information Ratio (IR): Definition

The information ratio (IR) measures portfolio returns and indicates a portfolio manager's ability to generate excess returns relative to a given benchmark.

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Information Ratio - Definition
Information Ratio - Definition


The information ratio measures the risk-adjusted returns of a financial asset or portfolio relative to a certain benchmark. This ratio aims to show excess ...

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Information Ratio
Information Ratio

The Information Ratio quantifies the excess portfolio returns over the returns on a benchmark, relative to the volatility of the returns.

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Information Ratio: Meaning
Information Ratio: Meaning

Information Ratio is a measure of a portfolio manager's ability to generate excess returns compared to a benchmark.

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The Information Ratio
The Information Ratio

The information ratio is a measure that seeks to summarize in a single number the mean-variance properties of an active portfolio. It builds on the.

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What is Information Ratio? Definition of ...
What is Information Ratio? Definition of ...


Definition: Information ratio shows the consistency of the fund manager in generating superior risk adjusted performance. A higher information ratio shows ...

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訊息比率(Information Ratio)
訊息比率(Information Ratio)

訊息比率(Information Ratio). 訊息比率為超額報酬(投資組合報酬-基準指數報酬)除以超額收益的標準差。此數值是用來衡量管理該投資組合的經理人處理訊息並以之作決策判斷的 ...

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資訊比率(Information Ratio)
資訊比率(Information Ratio)

資訊比率(Information Ratio). 資訊比率(Information Ratio): 衡量調整風險後的基金長期績效,主要用來評估基金相較於同類型基金的表現及其穩定性,是標準普爾與理柏等 ...