Cantonese vs Mandarin:What's the difference between Chinese

What's the difference between Chinese

What's the difference between Chinese

HowdoyoutellCantoneseandMandarinapart?BotharepartoftheChineselanguage.MandarinisspokeninthemainlandandCantoneseisspokeninHongKongand ...。其他文章還包含有:「Cantonesevs.Mandarin」、「KeyDifferencesBetweenCantoneseandMandarin」、「MandarinChinesevsCantonese」、「MandarinVsCantonese」、「Mandarinvs.Cantonese」、「The7MainDifferencesBetweenMandarinandCantonese」、「TheDifferenceBetweenMandarinan...

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Cantonese vs. Mandarin
Cantonese vs. Mandarin

Mandarin uses simplified Chinese characters while Cantonese uses traditional Chinese characters. Cantonese uses the Jyutping romanization system ...

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Key Differences Between Cantonese and Mandarin
Key Differences Between Cantonese and Mandarin

Cantonese is by far the more challenging of the two languages, particularly for a beginning Chinese language learner. This is because there are more tones used ...

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Mandarin Chinese vs Cantonese
Mandarin Chinese vs Cantonese

Cantonese has many more vowel sounds than Mandarin, and unlike Mandarin, some Cantonese vowels are longer in length/duration while others are ...

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Mandarin Vs Cantonese
Mandarin Vs Cantonese

Mandarin and Cantonese are not mutually intelligible, meaning someone who only speaks Mandarin will generally not be able to understand Cantonese and vice versa ...

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Mandarin vs. Cantonese
Mandarin vs. Cantonese

Although Cantonese follows the same grammar rules as Mandarin, there are certain Cantonese words that simply don't exist in Mandarin. So, a ...

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The 7 Main Differences Between Mandarin and Cantonese
The 7 Main Differences Between Mandarin and Cantonese

In terms of speaking, Cantonese and Mandarin are not mutually intelligible, and on that basis should be called different languages. While, in ...

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The Difference Between Mandarin and Cantonese
The Difference Between Mandarin and Cantonese

Cantonese and Mandarin are dialects of the Chinese language and are both spoken in China. They share the same base alphabet, but as a spoken ...