Minimal polynomial field:Field Extensions Module 2

Field Extensions Module 2

Field Extensions Module 2

LetF/Kbeafieldextensionandα∈FalgebraicoverK.Thentheuniquemonicpolynomialm(x)∈K[x]ofleastdegreesuchthatm(α)=0iscalledtheminimal ...。其他文章還包含有:「ExtensionFieldMinimalPolynomial」、「Howtofindaminimalpolynomial(fieldtheory)」、「Howtofindtheminimalpolynomialoverafieldextensions」、「Minimalpolynomial(fieldtheory)」、「Minimalpolynomial(linearalgebra)」、「MinimalPolynomials」、「Section9...

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Extension Field Minimal Polynomial
Extension Field Minimal Polynomial

Given a field F and an extension field K superset= F, if alpha in K is an algebraic element over F, the minimal polynomial of alpha over F is the unique ...

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How to find a minimal polynomial (field theory)
How to find a minimal polynomial (field theory)

To begin, clear denominators: (1−√5+√7)α=3√5−2√7+√35. We need to make the coefficient of α rational, so use a difference-of-squares ...

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How to find the minimal polynomial over a field extensions
How to find the minimal polynomial over a field extensions

1 Answer 1 · Find the companion matrix A of the minimal polynomial (or any multiple of it) of α, and that of β. · Find a matrix M according to ...

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Minimal polynomial (field theory)
Minimal polynomial (field theory)

In field theory, a branch of mathematics, the minimal polynomial of an element α of a field extension is, roughly speaking, the polynomial of lowest degree ...

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Minimal polynomial (linear algebra)
Minimal polynomial (linear algebra)

In linear algebra, the minimal polynomial μA of an n × n matrix A over a field F is the monic polynomial P over F of least degree such that P(A) = 0.

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Minimal Polynomials
Minimal Polynomials

Definition: Minimal Polynomial. Let F be a finite field of characteristic p, and let a ∈ F. A minimial polynomial for a is an irreducible polynomial m(x) ∈ Zp ...

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Section 9.9 (09GL)
Section 9.9 (09GL)


The minimal polynomial has the following characterization: it is the monic polynomial, of smallest degree, that annihilates -alpha . Any nonconstant multiple of ...