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Graphen Ava

Graphen Ava

GraphenRoboticsmakesmachinesthink,feel,actwithintelligence,efficiencyandempathy.CheckoutthevideosbelowandseewhatGraphen'sAIempowered ...。其他文章還包含有:「AdvisorAva」、「AvaMobile」、「AvaSpace」、「Graphen」、「GraphenAutomotive」、「GraphenAvawithEyeContactandHumanlike...」、「GraphenProducts」、「台灣圖策科技GraphenTaiwan」

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Advisor Ava
Advisor Ava

Your personal financial advisor with your best interest in mind. Advisor Ava is designed to assist wealth and investment management based on your specific needs ...

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Ava Mobile
Ava Mobile

Graphen Ava Mobile. AI Digital Human Assistant that Follows Your Lead! Welcome to the Future of Home and Office with the Unlimited Potential of Ava Mobile.

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Ava Space
Ava Space

Ava Space is the giant smart device you need at home to entertain,connect with family and friends from afar or at your business to impress with the real human ...

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Graphen builds next-generation Artificial Intelligence (AI) platforms based on graphs to produce full brain functions and create novel industry solutions.

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Graphen Automotive
Graphen Automotive

Graphen partnered with one of the largest enterprises in the industry and developed an advanced Car Doctor for car repair and maintenance with advanced AI ...

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Graphen Ava with Eye Contact and Humanlike ...
Graphen Ava with Eye Contact and Humanlike ...

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Graphen Products
Graphen Products

Native ACID-compliant graph database that supports property graphs and key-value store, with dynamic schema and bulk ingestion. Large sets of graph analytics ...

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台灣圖策科技Graphen Taiwan
台灣圖策科技Graphen Taiwan

人腦是一個由一千億個節點和七百萬億邊組成的巨大圖網路,執行著四大功能:記憶、觀察判斷感知、表達、以及抽象推理策略;而圖(Graph)正是人腦對於記憶、關聯和理解周圍事物 ...