reits bogleheads reddit:Do you guys do reits?
Do you guys do reits?
2023年4月5日—Doyouguysdoreits?Ifeellikeintheorytheyareanincredibleinvestment.SomereallyhighdividendsandI'minalowtaxbracket.AmI ...。其他文章還包含有:「BogleheadviewsonREITs?」、「IsthereacorrectoroptimalamountofREITstohold?」、「PeoplewhoholdREITs」、「Realestateindexfundforyourportfolio?」、「REITs」、「WhatarethedownsidesofinvestinginREIT」、「Whatdoy'allthinkofBDCsREITs?」、「Whatdoyou...
查看更多 離開網站Boglehead views on REITs?
I have a target allocation to VNQ or equivalent in my 4-fund retirement portfolio - 60% us stock, 20% ex-us stock, 10% reit, 10% bond. I also ...
Is there a correct or optimal amount of REITs to hold?
My question is, is there an optimal amount of REITs to hold. I've heard investing in REIT ETFs isn't recommended as there's only a handful of ...
People who hold REITs
REITs are oversold in bear markets, and take more time to recover share price during a recovery, but exhibit excellent eventual recovery. The ...
Real estate index fund for your portfolio?
It's like the idea of owning a small rental to diverse source of income but instead taking the easier REIT path. I kept my exposure to 5% since ...
REITs · Real estate is a major asset class that should have a meaningful allocation in a well-diversified portfolio · Having assets with similar ...
What are the downsides of investing in REIT
There's core “Boglehead” investing that supports early retirement but there is no particular asset class that makes it easier. So there's ...
What do y'all think of BDCsREITs?
The biggest issue from a Bogleheads perspective is that REITs have to pay out a large percentage of their income. If you hold it in a taxable ...
What do you think about Reits
REITs are just OK in my opinion. On the one hand it seems like more diversification, but real estate is already in the total market index. The ...
What's the bogle take on REITs?
My target is 4-5% on REITs. I view them similar to my commodity position, which is that they are just there as a hedge on the Fed printing ...